Friday 13 July 2007

Luke Young on his way?

Looks like Luke Young is on his way for £4.5m to Aston Villa which is a decent price, particularly considering that he was once seen as 'lukewarm'.

Only question mark now is over Jerome Thomas. Let's hope that if he stays he turns up when he plays.


  1. £4.5 million for Luke is an excellent price, I can't believe that anyone would have predicted that at the end of last season, basically recouping what we paid to Spurs. I wonder if there is any chance of the Womens team getting a slice of that. I notice that there has been no mention of the alleged sponsorship of the women's game.

  2. I think that the women's team is dead in the water, particularly now that two of the stars have gone to Chelsea. I still think there could have been a more proactive approach to a low cost option.

  3. £4.5M for lukewarm would be a sensational bit of business but I reckon its about as plausible as Pards blowing £1.75M on clearly nowhere nearly good enough DJ Campbell. Not that more untested strikers are required. The paper talk about Clemence was just that as he's slumped to Leicester. Hopefully any funds released by lukewarm's departure would be invested in some help for Reid and Holland as our only midfielders of any worth.

  4. Thats more or less what I said in one of my previous postings about the alleged sponsorship negotiations ( I suspect that from the time we took over Croydon Ladies, the games value and exposure has not advanced in the way that Charlton expected. The Womens team became an unwanted distraction that could not be divested because the success that it had achieved. However, relegation for the men became a convenient rationale and is really only a convenient excuse for the club to leave the womens game.
