Thursday 27 September 2007

Brakes Rattle Skeletons

Charlton may have lost in the league cup, but Leamington beat Rothwell Town 3-1 in the Ecreia (i.e., Southern League) Cup last night and now face Newport Isle of Wight away.

Rothwell Town are known as the Bones because the local church has one of only three bone crypts in the country and contains the remains of 1,500 people. No wonder Shakespeare didn't want his remains in the Stratford charnel house, although at least he now has a football team nicknamed after him ('The Bardsmen').

Leamington's goals came from Mackie, Dunkley and Blake. Josh Blake was apparently on top form after a day shifting furniture in his house removals job.

While I was locked down in Cricklade listening to bad jokes about Swindon Town (and finding to my shock that my shareholding in Aga would be published on the web), Maggie noticed a strange brown cloud drifting over Leamington. No, Iain Dowie hadn't been eating baked beans. It seems that some hoodies in Chaventry had set fire to Sidney Stringer School:

Many years ago I went to Sidney Stringer to do a talk on the February 1974 election for Estelle Morris who was then simply a Labour councillor in Leamington. Of course, she became Education Secretary, but she was far too nice a person to deal with the cut and thrust of politics.

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