Friday 21 September 2007

Foxes preview

At last I get to see a live Charlton game. While Charlton were playing on Tuesday night, I was listening to a series of speeches in Spanish by eight C list Spanish politicians. It was so bad that a group of us tried to escape through a fire door during a break, but were caught and ushered back in. And we had to look attentive because flash bulbs were popping all the time.

We had some good games against the Foxes in the Premiership. Filbert Street was always a slightly intimidating place, but in order to secure what they saw as their rightful place in the top flight Leicester moved to the crisp Walker Stadium, bankrupting themselves in the process and languishing in the Championship ever since.

We will know two of the Leicester squad tomorrow, as error prone midfield maestro Radostin Kishishev is with them. He had his defenders at Charlton, but Shaun Newton played a key role in our initial promotion season. Whether he will appear tomorrow is open to question.

Luke Varney is a childhood Leicester fan and is hoping to feature, if only from the bench. Yassin Moutaoukal may get a start after being on the bench for Tuesday's win over Norwich having overcome his ankle injury. Lloyd Sam was impressive against the Canaries and may be preferred to new father Darren Ambrose who has had a daughter, Jessica.

Match analyst Ivy the Terrible has once again been selected as a match analyst by The Observer. Juneau the Soccer Cat has a morning social enegagment at the Cats Protection League in Leamington which means I won't be able to join a Bloggers social being held at The Valley.

I am going for 2-1 to the Addicks.

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