Monday 24 September 2007

Robert Lee

Interesting to see the item by Colin Cameron in the programme reflecting on events on 22nd September 1992. The £700,000 we got for him, admittedly not really his true value, allowed us to return to The Valley.

In a recent adventure the now 41-year old Lee and Warren Barton took a Mercedes E200 for a spin. Unfortunately, this was not to give it a test run from a garage, but was a more spontaneous event after consuming a few sherbets at a party.

The vehicle then crashed into a van. Fortunately, the van owner will not press charges. Presumably the van came off worse as nothing has been said about what the Mercedes owner thought.


  1. I know Rob(ert). The Merc was not that badly damaged, two other people were involved and they were the main culprits but Barton and Lee were the ones who got the headlines. Barton was not even in the car and Lee was asleep (passed out) in the back and knew nothing of what happened. I think the phrase - too much time on the hands and too much money come to mind.

  2. Just goes to show you can't believe what you read in the papers. I can believe that the Merc came out best as one of my daughters has a 4 x 4 version and it is quite formidable.
