Friday 5 October 2007

Cruise control ends in Brakes failure

Leamington crashed out of the Birmingham Senior Cup last night at the New Windmill Ground, defeated 0-1 by Midland Alliance outfit Studley in front of a crowd of 262. There were a number of signs that the game was not being taken that seriously: the loudspeakers on the Sheepside were not working; there was no raffle in the Vice-Presidents' lounge; and the Darren Randolph of Leamington, Chris Gibson, was in goal. Clearly and understandably the focus is on Saturday's FA Trophy clash with mighty Marlow.

Brakes started the game as if it was a training match, fluently passing the ball around and keeping possession in the anticipation that a goal would come sooner or later. It didn't, the best chance coming just before half time through Jon Adams who had come down for a game as he has not been getting much of a chance at Telford United. He was partnered in midfield by veteran Morton Titterton who is normally assistant coach.

Studley were clearly up for it and scored a simple goal on 46 minutes through Bryan Field. Brakes increasingly laid siege to the Studley goal, but were unable to penetrate the flat back eight maintained by the visitors. Richard Adams was brought on to join his brother and even Ben Mackey, but it was to no avail.

It's a kind of non-league equivalent of the Carling Cup, but one was still left with a sense of disappointment, knowing that the side is better than this.

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