Wednesday 10 October 2007

Greg Bone resigns

Greg Bone has resigned as a director of Charlton. He had been on the football and plc boards since 1994. He is thought to have been one of the initiators of the free season ticket idea.

His resignation was for 'personal reasons'. Nevertheless, it may revive speculation about the future course of the club, in particular what the extent of any debt is, how easily it can be serviced, and whether Richard Murray would like to move on.

Nothing more has been heard about a possible acquisition of the club which suggests that something has deterred prospective purchasers (or that they only exist in the imagination of journalists).

Fans at the moment are very pleased with the progress of the club on the pitch which has to be our main focus. We have a team that should get us to the Premiership, but not one that would keep us there, so more investment in the squad will (hopefully) become necessary.


  1. Don't know about it all being in the minds of journalists; the club has after all appointed Seymour Pierce to explore possibilities. One factor has to be the price, given the difference between our worth if we rebound and if we don't and the fact that the shares no longer have a fluctuating market value.

  2. What I had in mind was the comments made in The Independent about Russian or Nigerian consortiums. I am sure you are right about price being a key consideration, although sometimes it seems that potential owners pay over the odds - but that is more likely if there is more than one bid.

  3. I'd think we are more likely to attract a bid now in the Champs than if we get promoted. Cheaper and with plenty of upside (good catchment, bit of history, relatively low debt, half decent squad, stadium 2/3rds done, London based etc etc) . Whether Murray would sell now is doubtful tho...he's got far too much good sense. Why you'd pay over the odds for a club like B'ham escapes me...
