Sunday 28 October 2007

How much do Charlton fans want success?

This might seem a strange question to ask on the back of three defeats in which the only Charlton goal has been scored by that famous Welsh international, Owen Goal. Writing in the programme for QPR, chief executive Peter Varney reflected on the trauma of relegation.

During that period he notes that he received a lot of personal abuse and no doubt there will be some in his in box tomorrow. I have never met Peter Varney, although I have had some electronic arguments with him and I think that we have different views about a number of things. But there can be no doubt that he is Charlton through and through and strives to make the club a success.

What many Charlton fans evidently like is seeing Academy players on the pitch. Indeed, one reaction to difficulties is to play even more of them as 'they couldn't do any worse.' Well, they could.

Crewe have had a great record of bringing on young players. Charlton could carry out that role very successfully as a League 1 club. But is that what we really want?

I am all for Charlton's community work and its development of young players. But at the end of the day what I want is success on the pitch - by which I mean Charlton established once again in the Premiership.


  1. I would like to see Charlton back in the Premiership but only if we are going to make a better fist of it than the last couple of seasons. If its a choice between watching us struggle playing negative football in the Premiership, or playing more expansively and with mild optimism in the Championship, I would prefer the latter.

  2. I certainly don't want us to become a yo-yo team. But my hope this year was that we would score some goals and win most of our matches at home. Losing away at Wolves I can excuse and we actually played better there (I think) than on Saturday. It's difficult to get up enthusiasm for the trek to Southampton.
