Saturday 6 October 2007

Industrial language

There's been a certain amount of debate on the mailing list run by Glynne Jones about offensive chanting at football matches. The debate was started by Richard Redden, one time club historian (a good book), but now apparently more interested in being a moral policeman. Perhaps he could re-start one of those 18th/19th century societies for the 'Preservation of Public Morals'.

People today have increasingly pressurised jobs in which they also have to be careful about what they say to whom. No wonder that sometimes they let off steam at a football match. That doesn't mean that persistent abusive swaring is ok. Fortunately, in the UK at any rate, racist chanting seems to have been more or less stamped out,

Have a look at this clip of a match between the Bones and the Brakes for some 'banter' between fans, but be warned that there is industrial language (scroll down, you may also have to click on twice to get it started):


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