Friday 26 October 2007

It's Lee Probert

Lee Probert

Lee Probert from Wiltshire is the referee at The Valley tomorrow. Will he play to the cameras or get on with quietly and efficiently supervising the match? He has refereed at least two Premiership matches this season: watch out for yellow cards for over enthusiastic celebration as he gave one at Villa.

He is obviously a fit guy, but rates less well on communication, fairness and flow, but that could be true of many referees this season:

Communication 2.92
Consistency 3.07
Control 3.13
Fairness 2.87
Fitness 3.50
Flow 2.89
Positioning 3.18
Total 21.56

Over fourteen matches, he has given four penalties which suggests a 1 in 3 chance of seeing one at The Valley tomorrow, possibly as a clumsy Charlton defender brings down a Super Hoop. He has only given out one red card, but gives out about three yellows a game which is 30 per cent of the level achieved by Rob Styles at The Valley. He can't be any worse.

However, he is strongly disliked by the Super Hoops. One of their sites is running a Lee Probert award for gross incompetence, forecasting that the man himself will be the winner this season.

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