Sunday 14 October 2007

Reid is Man of the Match

Charlton captain Andy Reid was Man of the Match in Ireland's goalless draw with Germany last night, following in the footsteps of Mark Kinsella as an Addick making a major contribution to the Reopublic's international side. Concerns that a swollen ankle would lead to Reid being substituted by a Mackem came to an end when the injury cleared up.

Just as he has recently expressed his optimism about Charlton, Andy Reid is also optimistic for the future of Irish football:


It's interesting to reflect that Ireland has a 32 county rugby team in international competitions. Will that ever happen in football?


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  2. Reid is pivotal to our promotion push and we must pray that he remains fit for the whole season. Come January we may have to resist lucrative offers from Premiership clubs desperate to avoid the big drop, who require a player with the sublime midfield skills of Reid.
    Wyn I have a question for you, is there anywhere in World that you have not visited in the course of your Business travels? Although I am not a 100% sure of what your job entails, it seems to be a highly interesting one.
    Do you have an e:mail address for this Blog.?
    regards CND

  3. I don't speak Portuguese, but I think I can recognise spam when I see it! In reply to CND, I have never been anywhere in Africa or the Middle East. I was supposed to go to Syria for a UN organisation, but they pulled me out at the last minute, I think the Syrians didn't want me. Similarly, I was invited to Iran, but didn't go. I'm too old for potentially dangerous situations. If you want to E mail me try
