Tuesday 9 October 2007

Sacking at rust bucket

Both Charlton's South London 'rivals' had now sacked their managers in the last 24 hours. Following Millwall's 4-0 defeat at Carlisle, Willie Donachie has got the order of the boot at the Rust Bucket. In fact since George Graham left for Arsenal in 1988 the Spanners have had 15 managers in 21 years.

These events are a reminder of how well Charlton is run in general, whatever particular compliants we may have. It's difficult to think of the Spanners as serious rivals any more.

The club has made a serious effort to clean up its act, but it is doubtful whether it will benefit very much from the gentrification of Deptford which in any case is a slow process.

I note that the old Mercury offices by Deptford Station where Rick Everitt used to toil as sports editor are now home to a Christian outreach organisation. I think one could still get long odds on Rick becoming a preacher man though. Or at least he would only preach for Charlton.

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