Thursday 25 October 2007

Time for a reality check

Electronic discussion of Charlton has seen some complaints about Pards surface. Every fan is entitled to express their views about team selection and formations, but I doubt whether we would get a better manager at the present time. Of course, no one is (as far as I know) demanding his removal, merely saying 'Sort it out, Pardew' (which somehow doesn't have quite the same resonance as 'Sort it out Curbishley.'

I think it is time for a bit of a reality check. We are not going to get back to the Premiership easily. In fact I don't think we will in one season. I think we could well make the play offs this year, but they are always a lottery.

The club's financial position, according to some sources, is more difficult than has been revealed. Richard Murray may well feel that, after years of selfless effort, he has taken the club as far as he can. But at the moment there is no sign of a bidder. And, indeed, clubs like Coventry City are likely to be available at a knockdown price.

Gloomsterism is extending to Saturday's match against the Super Hoops. I was pessimistic about the Plymouth match: I hoped we might get a point, but my sense was that it was an away win. QPR will play the same game at Preston, defending doggedly for the point and hoping to sneak a goal against our porous defence. Nevertheless, I think that we will actually get three points on Saturday.

But it's going to be a long hard season. Supporting Charlton is rarely an easy ride, particularly at the moment.

1 comment:

  1. Wyn,

    Spot on! How fickle have our fans become over the last 10 years. I hope I don't hear any "sort it out Pardew's" on Saturday because I won't be able to contain myself. I too was depressed after the Plymouth match but you have to realise that you were because Pards et al have raised our expectations.
