Friday 9 November 2007

Thugs arrested

The News Shopper is carrying a report about the arrest of thugs following an incident in which Charlton fans attending the Palace game were attacked. The report is by a 'crime reporter' and includes a picture of a 'firearm' seized in the raids. The report claims that 150 BT Police were involved in the investigation: I didn't know they had that many officers. (It has since emerged that this refers to the number involved in the raids rather than the investigations).

Sussex press sources have confirmed that raids have taken place in Sussex as well as in Kent and South London. A 35-year old man from Worthing has been arrested whose age rules out the notorious 'Des from Worthing' who is an alleged member of the West Sussex Massive.

Full story here: Thugs

Apparently ITV local news claimed that those arrested were Charlton supporters and this is to be corrected. It may emerge that those arrested claimed to be supporters of another South London club.

1 comment:

  1. This was featured big time on London Tonight - the incidents on the train at Sydenham were described in some detail. It looked like a major operation by the Fuzzies - dawn raids, vans full of police etc
