Wednesday 7 November 2007

Two 0-1 victories

Both Charlton and Leamington won by a single goal last night, in Charlton's in the last minute before the end of the match, in Leamington's just before half time at Margate (scored by removal man Josh Blake). The Brakes win a trip to South London in the 3rd round of the FA Trophy to face Fisher Athletic. See the Margate goal and celebrations here: Brakes (Scroll down and click twice)

Andy Reid was singled out for praise by Pards: 'I wouldn't say Andy's the best in the division, but he's certainly our best player.' Pards also praised goal scorer
Chris Iwelumo: 'Chris' hold-up play and runs in benind workd well for us tonight, particularly in the first half. We stayed with our system and got our reward in the end. Chris is carrying so many injuries but he got up well to finish it.' Bit worrying to hear about the injuries.

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