Friday 7 December 2007

Traction required

Charlton have a terrible home record, Ipswich are appalling away, so it looks like a draw tomorrow, one might think. The first essential is to avoid going behind by conceding an easy goal and avoid chasing the game.

4-5-1 seems to work best for us which means the much criticised Iwelumo up front. It has been suggested that he is Leaburn without the ability to hold the ball up, but I would suggest that he is better at scoring goals.

Assuming Thomas is still injured, or only fit for the bench, Varney and Sam should be on the wings. Reid and Zheng Zhi are clear choices. One is then left with a difficult choice between Holland and Semedo.

Apart from scoring a goal, accounts say that Captain Cleanpants played well on Tuesday. Semedo, on the other hand, is an excellent defensive midfielder, a role that is never appreciated by some supporters because it often involves defensive moves. Keith Jones used to get criticised and 'Squib' Hammond in the 1950s. As someone said on the list it is a 'water carrying' job and a very essential one.

Sodje and Fortune should start in central defence. Assuming that Basey is still injured, and given that I don't think Mills performs well at left back, it looks like we will have to use Chris Powell at left back although he can't forage forward so much these days.

It's difficult to understand why Charlton do so poorly at home, but a nervy and over critical crowd doesn't help. At this level there are bound to be some mistakes. It would be good if the crowd could show some confidence in the team who are 3rd after all.

1 comment:

  1. Who could ever criticise Keith Jones after the way he kept Gazza in his pocket when playing against Boro. A true Addicks legend!
