Monday 7 January 2008

Pards disrespected me, says Deano

Dean Kiely feels that Alan Pardew disrepected him at Saturday's match: Deano

Another version, but emphasising complaints by Pardew about the fans (which could be read as ironic) can be found here: Fans


  1. What I didn't like was Deano referring to Charlton's 'Golden era' as if it is in the past. I'm afriad he might be right and that hurts.

  2. It's something out of nothing - in other reports he got the biggest cheer from home fans of the day.

  3. Kevin Lisbie and Deano did they want to leave or were they shown the door, when were they ever disloyal, they showed more loyalty than Marcus B and half the 1st team squad and have both proved to be better than their replacements.
