Wednesday 20 February 2008

Storming win in Youth Cup

One of the drawbacks of living so far from The Valley is that it is not possible to go to events like last night's Youth Cup fixture against Swindon, although I understand that some of those living nearer were not able to make it. Anyway, a crowd of 1,459 were able to see a storming 5-1 win by Charlton with two goals each from Shelvey and Wagstaff, the fifth coming from Ben Godfrey.

Those who went singled out Jonjo Shelvey who apparently is only 15. He was described by one Addick as a 'central midfield player who demands the ball, has an eye for goal, excellent touch and vision and, for such a young man, incredible stamina.' Another commented, 'I counted at least 9 "tricks" or pieces of skill from Shelvey, yet every one was an optimum choice employed when needed. The rest of Shelvey's game was impresive too, finding space well, a great support, a terrific understanding with Wagstaff.'

Wagstaff himself received considerable praise as did right back Chris Solly. It was particularly heartening that the midfield was reported to be our strongest area, as for the first team this has often been the area where we have had the greatest deficiencies. At last the Academy seems to be coming good. Perhaps a few more sceptics will be persuaded to join Valley Gold?

Next week the team go on to meet Sunderland in the quarter finals. I wish I could be there.


  1. Wyn - I've been following the Academy in detail since last September as part of research for a book I'm hoping to write. So I've been to most of the Under 18 games, some of the Under 16 games, and even some of the training sessions. I've been banging on for months to all and sundry about what a fantastic job is being done at the moment and what a wonderful crop of players we have coming through. Grant Basey, Harry Arter and Josh Wright are some of them who have become pro. Scott Wagstaff,too, who played last night as captain and is a very speedy and talented winger. The jewel in the crown is Jonjo Shelvey (who I think may now be just 16 - but I'm not sure). He is simply a natural. He has all the gifts - technique, stamina, vision, pace, a fierce shot, skill galore, appetite for the game, and an uncanny ability to do the right thing: find space (he seems impossible to mark), know where his team mates are and see that perfect pass. He is simply a joy to watch and I often find myself smiling or laughing out loud at a piece of his skill. He is already captain of England Under 16s and has scored regularly for them. He attracted an immense of interest from Premiership clubs last October but luckily he signed a contract with Charlton. Some of the coaches in the Academy say simply that he is the best young player they have ever trained. Let's just pray that we can hold on to him.

  2. Correction, Wyn - Jonjo is 16 this Friday (22nd February)

  3. I remember watching an england u16's on sky and seeing shelvey play. He looked a class above and I was sat there for most of the game cursing that we'd never produce a player like that. I hope he goes far and makes it to our first team, the amount of goals the lad seems to score is phenominal.

    Nigel, what do you think of mambo? I'm quietly excited by him based soley on the fact that he's apparantly 6'4.
