Monday 10 March 2008

Burnley prepares for 'massive game'

It's grim oop north and the former mill town of Burnley has the worst urban devastation I have ever seen outside of the United States. But the relatively small Lancashire town has made its impact on the football map, winning the league championship which is something we have never done. At one time Burnley was seen as the club that had royal patronage, but was before the present generation of Gooners and Villains.

Anyway, they're all talking in the old mills turned factory outlets about tomorrow's 'massive game' with the southern softies:

'We are Burnley, super Burnley from the north. Everyone hates us. We don't care.'


  1. Saw small article in London paper last night that Varney may be on transfer list at end of season, can't see thats true. I think he's a good prospect, pace and strength, it would be nice to see him actually given a good ball!

  2. I think that would be a mistake. If it's a free paper, it has probably been made up by a journo trying to fill the space.
