Friday 28 March 2008

Wolves plan to out muscle Addicks

Wolves plan to out muscle Charlton in the clash at The Valley tomorrow, but their leading striker Sylvan Ebanks-Blake has indignantly denied claims that he is overweight, explaining that it is all part of the plan to out power the Addicks:

Meanwhile Addicks supremo Alan Pardew has insisted that his side is ready for take off and will get beyond the end of the runway this time. 'Magic' Bougherra played 45 minutes for Algeria during the week, while Cory Gibbs demonstrated his mobility by sitting on the bench for the United States.

'Old Mother Riley' was due to be referee the match, having apparently being demoted from the Premiership, so I was expecting a lot of fussy interventions and interruptions to the flow of the match. However, he has apparently been taken ill (stage fright?) and has been replaced by Keith Stroud. He comes from Gillingham (no, not one, the town in Dorset) and is on the list of Premiership referees.

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