Tuesday 8 April 2008

Do we dream enough?

An interesting article on a California site about the Addicks by a Charlton fan. The comments also make interesting reading:

Southampton have now sold out all their 3,000 seats for Saturday and are looking forward to an easy three points to continue their climb up the table. Local reports suggest that having beaten Bristol City, Charlton should be a pushover.

However, football in the Championship doesn't work like that. It's also worth remembering that we took four points off Bristol City who are probably the second best footballing side in the division.

Last night's win at Stoke put the Croydon club into the play offs. In some ways I am pleased to see Stoke to get their come uppance as it is difficult to see why they should be rewarded with promotion for their combination of long ball, clogging and aggressive management.

Tonight Leamington take on the Bones (Rothwell Town). If they win a play off place in the BGB Midlands Division will become a mathematical certainty, although they are already well clear of the pack in second place. The play offs would be tough with bogey team Stourbridge and possibly Chavtown. However, finishing 2nd would give the Brakes home advantage.

Once again we will be the only Charlton blog covering tonight's game at Rothwell.


  1. After watching the dross of Stoke and Palace last night, you wonder how embarrassing its going to be for the teams promoted this season. Derbys stint in the Premiership might even look successful in comparison!

  2. I agree and I wonder if at some point the Premiership might reduce to 18 and limit the number of promotions/relegations to two.
