Tuesday 20 May 2008

Ennui afflicts Charlton fans

Judging by the number of blogs that are taking an extended break, a wave of ennui is sweeping across the Addickted as they contemplate the reality of a mid-table finish and the last season with parachute payments in a highly competitive league.

I was in London yesterday recording some Champions League final prelims for Australian television and the ABC guy asked me if I supported a club. When I mentioned Charlton he asked where it was which says a lot really given that he had been in London for three years. Mind you he didn't know where Marylebone station was either.

Perhaps now is a time to contemplate the range of Charlton blogs. As always, I enjoy the New York and Chicago (shortly to become Bermuda) contributions. Inspector Sands is always worth reading, but he posts less often these days.

My most promising newcomer award would go to the Blackheath Addick. Not only does he produce long reflective and sagacious thought pieces about the club, but his blog also has a nice personal touch with stories about his French partner. That always give a blog something a little extra.

That's not to say that the blogs I haven't mentioned aren't good. We are fortunate with the blogs we have which reflects the calibre of our fans.


  1. I'm truly touched. It is many moons since I have been regarded as a promising newcomer at anything (if I ever was). Maybe it's not too late to get the boots out again.

  2. Certainly a post season malaise has swept over bloggers, hopefully everyone will be back with some new start ups ready for pre-season.

    I agree though Blackheath's is an excellent read, love the personal touches.

  3. Your favourites pretty much correspond with mine Wyn.

    I enjoy Drinking though (the blogger too) - some wider appraisals than just Charlton. Confidential makes me laugh - very important this last season..

    Views produces some thought provoking material.

    You too must take plaudits - the quickest match report in the west!

    Bermuda Addick - if CA does some match summaries will we call them "shorts" ...(yeah oK I know)

    Pembury addick

  4. I got bored with it, really - the whingers and whiners meant anything to do with Charlton became a chore rather than a pleasure. And in the second tier there's less other media coverage to feast on/ lambast like there is in the Intergalactic Premier League. If it carries on into next season there may be a few changes.
