Thursday 12 June 2008

Glaziers sign McCarthy

The normally reliable South London Press is reporting that the Glaziers have signed Addicks central defender Paddy McCarthy for £500,000:

After a poor start with Charlton, McCarthy won the confidence of most Charlton fans and his departure to Selhurst Park will not be welcomed.

If Bougherra does leave as anticipated, it's going to leave our somewhat suspect central defence looking even more exposed. Step forward, Jon Fortune. But where is the cover? Pardew may need to make a signing.


  1. Its a good sale for us. Apart from the obvious ones like Faye and Bent. He would my second choice to get rid of after Ambrose
    I surely can't be the only CAFC supporter who thought he was too slow , cumbersome , limited and generally not quite good enough.
    To be honest, I would have played Jon Fortune every day of the week in preference.Fortune must have clocked up a lot of premier league games and is just a better all round player . McCarthy will never be good enough to play in the Premier League,
    so I am pleased that Pardew recognised that, I think its encouraging ( for once !!)

  2. Like anonymous, it doesn't faze me too much. Paddy and Hudson are similar and I thought Hudson shaded it last year. I assume we get Halford and lose Paddy and we're not out of pocket? If we keep Madjid, no probs, but I must admit the latter looks like a done deal and £2.0m+ would be good. What's happening with Sodje (ie Sam)?

  3. Not easy to figure out what this means. McCarthy was a regular during the second half of last season and looked the part alongside Bougherra. Presumably, Pardew prefers Hudson, but even so the sale is surprising. Does it imply that Bougherra is staying? If not, what is the plan? I can't help thinking this deal highlights the financial pressure on the Club. Pards is clearly having to "wheel and deal". Let's hope he knows what he is doing. Don't forget, he paid £650,000 for Paddy only 12 months ago. As already implied, credit to Pardew for recognising his mistake (if that is what is going on here), but his room for manouevre is shrinking and he doesn't have much room for many more errors of judgement. I have to say, I'm a little concerned.

  4. I don't think that Sodje will come back, but Bougherra has not gone yet and may not go.

  5. I have to disagree with the general sentiments above. To make the early season progress that AP wants, I would have though it sensible to retain the core of the team that has been playing well. Paddy is one those.

    I liked Paddy and felt he was one of our better players. I thought he performed more effectively than any of the other centre backs in the second half of the season.

    My guess is that he and Hudson are too similar for Pardew to retain both. I'd rather have sold Fortune though, who is also in the same mould.

    I wonder what Paddy himself thinks. Did he want to go, and if so why?

    Pembury Addick
