Monday 28 July 2008

Bougherra is going

Alan Pardew has confirmed that Majid Bougherra is likely to leave the club for Real Betis.

The shell shocked supremo added, 'I expect to lose a couple more players, not because I want to, but because I have to. Hopefully, I'll be able to bring in a couple to replace them, but whether I can bring players in of the same level remains to be seen.'

So it looks like beating the non-league bushes again or some cast off journeymen from the Football League.


  1. The way it is going, I think we will follow the same fate as most ex-premier league teams and have a battle on our hands this season to remain in the Championship.

  2. Looks like we are budgeting for failure

  3. I'll pick survival of the club over overspending. We had our time at the top, we took a gamble, it didn't work. Time for us just to enjoy the fact we have a club, regardless of what division they play in.

  4. Agree with johnny73. Combined with Weaver's injury too, potentially real "backs to the wall" stuff. Got to believe in Pards and the kids. Perversely, it's almost back to the old days and hopefully the supporters will really get behind the team.

  5. By the end of last season i was convinced Pardew was NOT the man for the job.
    His latest idiocy in letting Randolph (goalie) go on a season long loan, was, at the time ridiculous, and now looks like the policy of a fool.
    Now he admits we are to sell more players and buy in inferior replacements. Funny how this comes out after the season ticket push.
    The board of course are complicite in all of this.
    I'm glad i decided against another season ticket, but i'm sad at the direction of CAFC.

  6. just when you need all hands to the pumps: --- something about rats and sinking ships springs to mind the first duty of directors of any business is solvency

  7. I believe Richard Murray has decided that he has invested enough so hence the Murray/Varney partnership was broken It appears that Chappell/Waggott are apling a more hardnosed approach.How long before Pardew gets itchy feet?

  8. 'Tani' Don't allude to 'rats and sinking ships' please.
    I'm a long term supporter, forty years actually. Were you born then? No! i didn't think so.
    My last S.T. cost £450. It went up to £475 this time. I can't afford to advance that kind of money to CAFC in the hope of seeing some decent football. Nor can i justify £30/game to watch any more of what was served up over the last three seasons. I'll be attending the games i choose to attend, providing i can purchase a £20 ticket.
    It's all very well for you and others to criticise people about whom you know nothing. But all of us make decicions based on our own circumstances. Of course if you would like to assist with the cost i will send my address to you.

  9. Have supported the club for over 60 yrs and do not like the lack of news coming from the club about our financial position and aims.Mr Chappell has been very silent.He cannot expect people to invest in season tickets if thet continue to take our money then sell the best players

  10. Surely the club would not play 'fast and loose' with information to affect season ticket sales....? A very dodgy road indeed. Season Ticket pre-sales hype was vastly different to the current 'we have to dumb down' message.
    I have to believe this outpouring of gloom from Pardew is part of the strategy to knock down the price of the players he wants in - but then would that not also weaken our selling position?

  11. daggs - apologies if i offended; but your blogg suggested it was not for economic reasons. i always would support someone for that reason alone. it is 'fair weather' supporters which i cannot approve. I agree the football over recent seasons has been poor but i thought improved when Pardew took over. the change of policy towards youth may be partly forced on the club through lack of investment but can we not be a little excited by seeing some home grown players; and more enthusiasm? Powell excepted, some the older experienced players(now gone) did not give of their best and earned the most. (another jock campbell at full back would be helpful in defence)
