Sunday 20 July 2008

Second chance for Canham

Team Bath striker Sean Canham is to have a second chance with the Addicks when he turns out for them against Dulwich Hamlet on 30 July after the end of their Spanish tour.

Canham told the Non-League Paper (which I always turn to on a Sunday for the latest Charlton news), 'They told me to go back to Team Bath to get some games in while they are away. I'm waiting for assistant manager Mark Kinsella to call to let me know what's happening. He said they want to see me at full match pace before they make a decision.'

The club's view is that it is sometimes worth taking a 'punt' on non-league players who can be developed and sold on at a profit even if they don't make the grade in the Championship. However, they do consume management time.

Having watched a Conference South side yesterday, I am well aware of the gap between that level of the non-league and the Championship. Fleetwood might just have something special, but I am less sure about Canham.

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