Sunday 3 August 2008

Are We The New Port Fail?

Many years ago I went to a Charlton away fixture at Burslem Port Vale and read in the programme that their ambition was to stay in the then Division 1 for many years to come. With all the cutbacks, is that the effective ambition now for Charlton? We all know what happened to Port Fail and relegation odds for the Addicks have gone down from 18-1 to 11-1. Perhaps Addicks are hedging against possible disappointment.

Blackheath Addickted's careful assessment of yesterday's friendly makes depressing reading - although Blackheath (living proof that it is possible to look youthful as you near your half century) points out that many key players were not on display. Hudson limping off is worrying, as despite assurances that we would have two professionals in every position, central defence is an area where we are particularly exposed.

Thinking about relegation is overdoing the gloom. We are more likely to become the Burnley of the South, neither in the frame for relegation nor promotion. If our mix of journeymen, youngsters (who don't seem to have excelled yesterday) and former non-league players can achieve promotion, they deserve a medal.

Leamington crashed 4-0 at Wimborne yesterday but there were a number of trialists in the side, while Mark Bellingham was evidently on duty feeling collars.


  1. It's obvious now that our club is in a perilous financial position. The gamble taken to keep us in the Premiership, because the value of the Sky deal was about to rocket, failed.
    I expect ZZ to depart and hope Thomas goes too. We are going back to the days of 'plucky little Charlton' but let's hope we can build one of the teams that have previously lived up to that tag.
    My hope is that we can survive in the Championship this season, and become a top Championship side during the next two or three seasons. For now the Premiership is literally out of our league.

  2. The Derek Chapell piece on the website is an absolute load of nonsense . How he made money in business if he communicates like this is a mystery.
    Unfortunately I don't think much of Pardew either . His tactics last year were rubbish , far too many players used , different systems , one up front , etc and I don't trust him to get it right this season. Anyone who saw Bristol City outplay us at the Valley last year will realise that its about organising the team and getting a way to play , not just the best 11.
    Unfortunately , he will have to go for progress to be made

  3. I too lost faith in Pardew by the season's end. Had he slung it in or been fired i wouldn't have cared.
    But as was pointed out to me by several blog readers. We probably can't afford to pay him off.
    However it has to be said, if we are looking like relegation candidates by Christmas, he has to go regardless. We can even less afford to go into League 1. That would be ten years hard work thrown away.

  4. If we'd have gone up last year, we'd have been a mess this year. Its a rebuilding job again. We need about 3 seasons minimum before we can hope to have a team fit to compete for survival in the Prem. I guess we just have to hope that the young kids can improve.

    I believ we'll be battling relegation this year. That may sound pesimistic but given how we fared in the second half of last season and the subsequent sales, we can't expect much better.

    Its gona be a long hard season. If ZZ goes we're devoid of any quality whatsoever in the middle, meaning more presure will be placed on an unconvincing defence, as we'll be unable to keep possession. Goals are probably gonna be hard to come by as well. I know it sounds pessimistic but I can't think of a convincing argument to suggest even mid table can be comfortably secured.

    If it means getting rid of some of the bandwagon fans I guess that might be our only silver lining....

  5. I have to laugh at some of the comments especially about bandwagon fans. I do not think the future of the club involves losing fans.The way for the future is to build a team together with the fans. This means that the cdlub needs to stop putting our propaganda and start giving us the true position. The problem at the moment is that the Board and pardew have to speak in code for the sake of the media nad the fans.

  6. There's too many 'Anonymous's' posting here.
    But the one who posted

    "If it means getting rid of some of the bandwagon fans I guess that might be our only silver lining..."

    I empathised with your post until that bit. Every fan through the turnstiles is worthwhile. they all pay their money. If ten came because we were in the Prem, and one of them comes this season. That's one more in the ground.

  7. Got to agree with Daggs. If you have something to say then put your username up.

    Personally I'm going to settle into the season and enjoy supporting the club.

    Maybe the club is uneasy with the truth because many fans seem primed to criticize.

    If Pards leaves or gets the sack, I'd say good luck to him, as he seems to be taking the full brunt of fan criticism, despite the fact that he has had a difficult job to do with a minimal budget and players being sold left, right and centre.

    We are in this mess because the club egged on by supporters gave it's all to stay and get in the prem. The club has now acted sensibly in taking a cautious approach to it's future. The supporters now need to do the same and remove some of the unrealistic pressure we are applying. We do not have a divine right to success.

  8. It was a sensible move to gamble on staying in the Premiership with the new tv money deal coming in. Unfortunately, we chose the wrong person to select the players. If we are in relegation trouble after six matches - and we have a tricky start - I wouldn't want to be in Alan Pardew's shoes.
