Wednesday 13 August 2008

Booed off

Radio 5 this morning made a point of the fact that Charlton were booed off the pitch after the 0-1 defeat to Yeovil. I wasn't there and other blogs give varying accounts of the performance of the makeshift team. However, with two full backs playing in central defence in the second half, it emphasises our weakness there.

But, as Pards said, it's a matter of availability and finance and the last thing we want is go into administration and have a 10 points deduction.

Too much negativity is creeping in. Keep the faith!


  1. Just pray that Bailey signs today

  2. I thought the defence actaully looked ok,Youga in particular. It was in midfield that we looked weak. Wagstaff wwas totally out of hid depth in the first half before being taken off. Shelvey only started to play in the second half. neither varnay nor Bouazza looked sharp up front. In general we looked weak. I was also forced to think that none of the players omiited from Saturday would have made much difference
    Looking back,and given we only ended up 6 points off the play-offs last season, the decision to sell Reid looks like the turning point on a long downward spiral.

  3. Unfortunately Wyn, for many supporters the faith is fragile right now. O/K it's only two games into the season, but one lacklustre win followed by defeat to a lower league side, has a distinct deja-vu' about it.
    With Fortune getting injured our centre-back situation is highlighted for it's stupidity. We HAVE to sign another wether the board think we can afford it or not. Even if it's only a long term loan.

  4. Throughout the game I expected us to win, we were head and shoulders abouve Yeovil, but I weakenss in depth was shown uplast night. Strangely both Youga and Semedo did well in the centre and the real problem was creativity from midfield, to create chances. In the last few minutes a succession of corners showed Elliot as our most dangerous forward. i wonder in the future if he could come off the bench in the last 5 if we need a goal - I'll go back to scrapping my barrel now

  5. There were so few left at the final whistle (there hadn't been that many to start with!) that the booing off didn't amount to much. The arrogant concerted underachievement of the usual culprits added to Pards' continual selection of inept and unworthy individuals provides no cause for positivity on any level.

  6. There were a few boos which I thought were undeserved and unhelpful. It feels like some feel that they are expected to boo whenever we lose, and some others would be dissapointed if they didn't have something to moan about.

    We knew that some players would be "rested" for this game and that it would be an opportunity for some younger players. Add to that no recognised centre halves for most of the game and the result isn't that much of a shock.

    Shelvey played much better than he did on saturday, Youga looked our best player on the night. But, just to prove that I am a Charlton fan here's my personal moan .. did Bouazza contribute anything to the game ?

  7. If we sign Bailey will he make that much difference? Is he that good? If so why are we the only one chasing him? Surely we need a CH desperately. Is the Cranie deal still on? Just a thought......all the way from the Phillipines where I'm working and not seen the team so far this season so sorry for all the questions.

  8. Somebody needs to tell the Directors that they have gone too far with the selling and loaning of players if we are to avoid relegation
