Friday 22 August 2008

Varney in hopeful mood

Luke Varney thinks that losing the 'favourite' tags will help Charlton this season and that Reading are a 'tentative' side (there is some support for that in the lack of goals they have scored, but Lita may do the business tomorrow as returning players often do).

Steve Coppell thinks that Dave Mooney, who he has signed from cash strapped Cork City, is the solution to the departure of Dave Kitson. Mooney has at least one thing going for him which is that he turned down a move to Palace in favour of the Royals.

Read more here:


  1. It will be intresting to see the Financial report for June 2009 as most of the business conducted was after year end June2008.We will proably not find out the true story until then and a lot of water would have past under the bridge and we could be in league 1.What are the odds on AP still being at the club?

  2. Very intresting,but what do they about lies and statistics?
