Tuesday 28 October 2008

The board's charm offensive

The board has been reaching out to fans through Charlton Life and the Glynne Jones list and all credit to them for that. There has been a feeling that communication between the board and the fans has not always been as good as it was in the past and following the disappointment of the Zabeel bid, something needed to be done to lift morale, although the best tonic would be an improvement on the pitch.

Derek Chappell's comments on Charlton Life can be found here: Chappell

The old joke asks how one can make a small fortune: start with a large fortune and buy a football club. Not only do some fans expect the directors constantly to dig into their pockets more than they have already, but some even accuse them of taking money out of the club.

Hence it is worth reproducing what David Sumners said on the Glynne Jones list:

'The only money I've ever taken out of the club since 1995 is

1. The benefit of being a member of the club health insurance scheme.

2. Interest on the loan and the convertible bond, and on the latter we've
just deferred the September interest payment.

I've always paid the train fares etc for any away travel out of my own
pocket. Believe me, even taking account of where the stock markets are now,
any investment would have made me more money than that of my investment in

There is no doubt that the board are fans and what one would really likely to know is what they think of Pardew, their public expressions of confidence notwithstanding. Obviously I don't expect them to come on a web board and say, 'We told Pardew, if you lose at Ipswich and against Barnsley, you're out.'

One of Pardew's comments after Saturday was, 'I felt the squad needed a shake up but coming in at half-time in the dressing room, we could see we hadn't got the balance of the side right.' Indeed, but what he did he think he was doing in the first place? McLeod is unproven in my view, but in any case he wasn't match fit. If you wanted someone to run around, why not start with Dickson?

I do think that Pardew has lost the plot, if indeed he ever found it. My hope and expectation would be that the board will not stand idly by as the club drifts closer to League 1.


  1. Morning Wyn, The common consensus is that despite the last couple of years Charlton are not a "sacking club" and that we cannot afford to sack Pardew. However I am definitely in the group that says we cannot afford to KEEP Pardew. Our current form is dreadful, we still have the last 10 games hoodoo to come and it is clear that Pardew still has no idea of his best team, why else make significant changes before the Burnley game and then make further changes at Half time. However quite by luck the second half team had far better balance, Cranie is almost competent at CB, Mooo2 and Basey are the best Full backs in the squad, but we still had Sam and Ambrose doing very little and they should make way to allow Varney to play on the wing to allow Todorov and Dickson as the forwards. With tonights game and the relegation 6 pointer on Saturday, I think that there is a very good chance that it will be Bye Bye AP on Sunday.

  2. Does anyone know how much it would cost the club to sack Pardew?
