Wednesday 5 November 2008

Board back Pardew

The Charlton board are backing Alan Pardew by making money available for loan signings ahead of Saturday's match at Plymouth. Richard Murray has also said that a South African consortium is not interested in the club, but has confirmed that the board is looking for a buyer:

In my view over reliance on loan signings is one of our problems and we need to build around a core of Charlton players who can provide a base for the future. What has struck me at successive matches is how big our squad is compared with opponents who have turned us over.


  1. It just gets worse Wyn. I hate to say it but I think the Board have just made the decision that will take us down. To compound it with a backing of a loan policy that undid us last season (and I'm sure Pardew has said as much)is suicide.

    Pembury Addick

  2. At last the truth leaks out.
    The board are more concerned with unloading CAFC from their portfolio, than saving CAFC from league 1. They don't want to sack Pardew and increase the club debt to either themselves or the bank.
    It's no wonder Peter Varney got out, he obviously saw where this lot were heading.

  3. These loan signings will not make us any better.

    I don't believe the players we've got are as bad as they're currently performing. Pardew just doesn't have the motivational skills or tactical nous to get them to play better.

  4. I couldn't make the game last Saturday due to unforseen work issues getting in the way so someone else used my ticket and he said that the body language of the warm up of the players showed no interest at all. whilst that of Barnsley was motivated professional and hungery.

    Says it all really.

  5. the only vestige of hope that can possibly spring from this snippet is that one or two incoming players are really keen to put themselves in the shop window and that some of their vigour rubs off on those around them
    Pards will have to actually pick a sensible side and not continually play people out of position.
    Daggs - poisonous paranoid drivel as always, Mr Murray may have backed two donkeys in a row after 15 years' good fortune but he is utterly beyond reproach - no Richard Murray would have seen no CAFC to warp your addled brain
    Save Our Songbirds

  6. Save our songbirds
    I suspect you disagree with my opinion.
    I do not criticise R. Murray for his past efforts, i know without him we would not now exist.
    You cannot deny that the board (that's all of them) are not doing their best for the club surely?
    It seems Messrs Chappell and Waggott are the top men nowadays, it is them that i believe are letting us down. Ask yourself this. Why did Dowie get thirteen games? Les Reed (an all round decent bloke) only six. But Pardew has had nearly two years? What's that? approx 60 games?
    Your childish response and use of insults, to someone you don't know personally, whose opinion you disagree with, drags you into the gutter.

  7. I agree the board are beyond reproach. Regardless of anything else I don't like spending anyone elses money!

    Over the years they have done the best they could. They gave us a moment in the sun but reality and modern day economics has caught up with us.

    I wouldn't criticize any employee of the club either. I'm sure they would rather be in the promotion hunt. Sometimes you try your best and things don't work out.

    This may all seem a relaxed approach to our situation. It isn't. I'm as depressed as I have been in 20 years. Only time will tell how things develop. I do know arguing amongst ourselves or attaching blame to one person (Pards, Waggott etc) achieves nothing.

  8. We are really starting to look like a club with neither the gumption or motivation to sort things out and build a positive future. The so called holding statement makes the situation worse not better. If we were a bank I would say that we are on the brink of being nationalised for not coming clean on the potential losses on our asset base the value of which is going down the pan daily. What is the incentive for a buyer? Nothing that I can see. I become more pessimistic by the day and I am afraid and the trap door to Division 1 is well and truely open.

  9. It is really hard to criticise the board members because they all seem such nice blokes and genuine supporters (at least the ones I have met) - but there can be no denying they have dropped some clangers since Curbs departure. The results of said 'clangers' put us where we are today.

    I am dismayed at the latest news as it seems another example of 'amateur hour' - I can't bring myself to consider a 'conspiracy'.

    I also still question why the club is not rolling in dough through marketing China's answer to Becks. They have had long enough -and much encouragement to do so. Would they need to search for buyers if CAFC was a brand for Billions of ZZ fans?

    And as for the rose tinted ones who suggest we just blindly follow Pardew, I have to say when I read that, my mind instinctively flashed a picture of lemmmings leaping over a cliff.
