Sunday 21 December 2008

Prepare for third division football

It's time to be thinking about the template for a third division diary because that's where the arithmetic suggests that Charlton is heading. The strategic review will probably decide that Phil Parkinson cannot get us out of our current mess, although I am not sure whether anyone can.

Big Sam has made a quick turn around at Blackburn, but he had far better quality players to work with there. I'm really not sure that we can put out a team of eleven players good enough for the Championship. A fundamental problem for a long time has been the fulcrum of the team, central midfield. Holland is tiring; Racon and Zheng Zhi are injured, although the news on Racon is encouraging; Bailey and Semedo are error prone.

To those who would say bring in Shelvey and Wright, I have not been too impressed when I have seen them play. If playing 16-18 year olds is the answer, why isn't the Wolves team made up in this way? The fact is that young players, through lack of experience, are prone to making catastrophic, match changing errors as we saw with Basey on Monday night.

Getting rid of Phil Parkinson is going to cost us more money we can ill afford. At least Parkinson talks more sense than his predecssors. Any new manager is going to have been a low cost solution who has experience at the lower levels of the Football League. That is why the reports emanating from Bristol about Sir Lennie Lawrence are interesting.

The blame game is on with indvidual members of the board being targeted. I don't think this gets us anywhere. It's a combination of factors that has led to our present position. For example, if both Zhneg Zhi and Racon had been available for most matches, would we be in our present plight? I don't think so.


  1. A bit harsh on Basey. Admittedly it wasn't a great defensive header but he didn't leave ellington unmarked in the box to fire home. Our experienced defenders were there but half asleep.

  2. I can hardly imagine the presence of Racon and ZZ making a difference. Anyway get used to not having ZZ, he's sure to be out of the door in January.
    As for Parky. I originally thought he was part of the problem, but was willing to give him a chance. He's had his chance and failed. So yet again a new manager is required.
    Those who doubt a new manager could improve things. Ask fans of Spurs, Sunderland and Blackburn!
    True we have significantly weaker personnel, but a kick up the arse is what's needed.
    Sadly i doubt a new manager can prevent relegation. But he should be given the job to first try and then re-group for an attack on promotion, if he's unable to save us this time around.

  3. Wyn, isn't the difference but us and Wolves that they have say 20 senior players good enough for the Championship, whilst we have perhaps half a dozen?

    What do we have to lose by blooding some youngsters? Pards and Parky have tried virtually every combination of senior players (plus 7 loans), yet we have not won in 14.

    If we want to prepare for League One (in which one would imagine the likes of Wright, Shelvey etc.. will play a key role), then better to give them some experience now.

  4. Having seen Zheng Zhi play before I'm glad he has been out injured otherwise things could have been even worse.

  5. I'm with Daggs on this one. I think we have enough of a squad to avoid relegation, but need someone who can motivate a squad that has seen its morale seriously eroded over the past twelve months.

    Parky just doesn't have ability that by the looks.

    Pembury Addick

  6. When Shelvey played against Coventry last season he didn't play too badly, why hasn't he even been on the bench for a last 20 minute go? And what is up with Todorov, is he not fully fit yet or simply not up to it? He only ever gets a 20 minute cameo, but at least has some class. It is not looking too good, Parkinson hasn't had much of a motivational impact and if he can't make any impact then they should look for someone who can soon....but who?

  7. As my first choice has popped up at Blackburn. It looks like a job for --------------------- Curbs!!

  8. This no time for sentiment, Get rid of Parkinson, get rid of Waggott. neither are up to the job. The board need to resign. Nothing can stop us going down so what harm can playing Shelvey and Wright. If we waste money on any of these loan sign signings in January here is one season ticket holder that is giving up.

  9. I still feel that this "manager decision to be deferred until January" feels like some important changes. Either new owners or a manager not available until then - compensation dispute across the Thames???- maybe wishful thinking but I was as surprised as any onxmas eve 06 to hear that the saviour Pards had been appointed. Fingers well and truly x

  10. I have long given up on the board and the propaganda they put out through the chief executive or selective leaks. The only certainty is relegation, the rest is just dreaming.

  11. I share the view that the Board have a lot to answer for but everybody needs to get real. We have no devine right to success and right now a combination of factors, including injuries and the loss of Zhi for example, mean that we are heading for Division One. That is not Parkinson's fault and the Board should probably now give him a chance to build a squad and a system of play that will give us a chance next season whilst not giving up on a miracle this; the reason for this is that there is probably no better option. That strategy should include giving youth a chance (I don't see the relevance of what Wolves are doing in that respect) because the young players on the books, and I would inlcude Moutaouakil in that, are the best hope we have of "finding" quality players and building a decent side. The idea that Parky or anybody else can buy players in the January window that would make a material difference is a fantasy.

  12. I don't blame Parkinson for where we are, he actually strikes me as being quite an intelligent manager. I think we look like a more coherant unit under him. Obviously results haven't picked up much but I think thats more down to the quality of players he has at his disposal.

    The strikers lack quality and the midfield seriously lacks creativity, but we have started to look more like a team and a solid unit which is our best hope of scraping some points together. Its going to be tough to stay up this year but if the players battle hard enought they should have a chance.

    I agree with those that say the youngsters don't look the part yet. To be honest Wright and Shelvey have looked well out their depth and a little too green to be playing at this level right now. It obviously hasn't looked promising of late but I do feel one win could turn around the confidence of the team and may make a huge difference.

    Lets not forget the performance against Reading, though it was a one off this season, it shows what some of our players are capable of when they play with confidence. Its a long season still, so we should keep the faith as much as possible but even I will admit I struggle to see where the goals are going to come from. Its not exactly a constructive comment, but what I'd give to have Leroy Lita in our side right now, at the very least he is a constant threat. SO yeah it looks bleak but I think we can still scramble clear with luck.

  13. It's one thing to debate whether players such as Wright and Shelvey are up to it yet; it's another for managers to select them and then quickly drop them. They are the ones looking at the players in training, the ones with the expertise to decide whether someone is ready. But we've seen McLeod rushed back and then dumped, Wright disappear after two games, Shelvey not feature since early in the season - and Dickson so often passed over that he has not surprisingly had enough. I think we've already used 28 players so far this season and it smacks of managers clutching at straws.

  14. I am amazed at how considerate the majority of Charlton fans have been considering the rubbish they have had to put up with this season. There is definately no plan and it is clear that there is a no leadership either at Board or team level either from the management or on the field. The problem is that the people that got us into this mess are the ones responsible to get us out. I therefore have no confidence that they wil have the vision and skils required and the fans are left to hold the pieces and hope that something will turn up. Expect more of "new faces in January" and "much interest in buying the club" but other than that expect no action. No doubt once relegation has been achieved Shelvey and Wright will appear. It even looks like we will let a proven Division 1 goal scorer go before we get there. No douby he will get a brace against us next season. If it wasn't so sad and true it would almost be funny!

  15. Who are all these people who blame the board? Can we have a reality check. If it wasn't for the board, then there would be no Charlton Athletic and there would be no 27,000 ground that's the envy of quite a few football fans. What has Steve Waggott done to offend so many people? The post Curbishley era hasn't gone to plan due to a combination of factors and bad judgement - not all the board's. We're clearly in the shit, and I agree that Zheng Zhi is our only hope. He's the one Charlton player that provides us with a bit of quality. If he comes back fighting fit then I think we could still be in with a shout of avoiding relegation. And I completely agree that Shelvey - while a promising young player - won't stop the rot. He looked out of his depth against Swansea.

  16. The Board are living in the past, on their past glories. Life moves on and I am afraid they have not. The issue is now and what action are they taking to rectify? Zheng Zhi is an asset to sell I am afraid. He will not be here by the end of January.
