Friday 3 April 2009

Rickshaw service is saved

New style Rickshaw

One further announcement made by the club is that the popular network of Valley Express services across South-East England will be maintained next season. What was not revealed is that a new style of vehicle will be used.

The charge will go up to £7 for those who do not have season tickets and £6 for those who do. The club stated that the existence of the service (and the popular hostesses known as Rickettes) was an important incentive for season ticket holders to renew.

I do think, however, that the season ticket offer has been pitched a little too high and has been insufficiently imaginative in having add ons like some free cup tickets. An impressive analysis by the New York Addick suggests, however, that the real hit may be on match day sales.

He makes the interesting point that a one off purchase represents a bigger psychological hit than a season long one that goes on a credit card. In a recession when people tend to scale back their discretionary expenditure, they may be less willing to turn up on the day and buy what is a relatively expensive ticket.

Having said that, when I used to go sometimes to watch Rushden and Diamonds in League 1 (a club that was essentially a wealthy man's plaything), it was not cheap.

May I also renew my appeal for a Warwickshire Rickshaw? The vehicles are there in the form of Racing Club Warwick's 'Racing to get you there' fleet of minibuses.

They have never attracted much matchday traffic and they have never fulfilled their supposed purpose of promoting social inclusion. There is only one thing more laughable than an empty Racing Club vehicle trundling through a wealthy Warwicksbire village in search of the socially excluded and that is Dowie giving a press conference at Newcastle saying he is a 'hands on' coach.

With Racing Club reported to be on the verge of a big money takeover, now is the moment to strike. It might also offer a future coaching role for Dowie when he has helped Newcastle to get relegated.

1 comment:

  1. I have tried,without success,to get my travelling companion's Fiat Panda full Valley Express accreditation.

    Hope you have more luck with the Warwickshire VE!!
