Tuesday 26 May 2009

Dowie hits pay dirt

When Iain Dowie was seen driving Alan Shearer into Newcastle's training ground yesterday it look as if he had finally found his level - as the manager's driver.

However, it appears that the wonder worker will be part of Shearer's new four year deal at St.James's Park, and what is more his brother, Bob Dowie, will be brought into to strengthen the set up and enjoy the occasional shandy with his brother.

A source close to the Barcodes commented, 'Now that we are a Championship side we can benefit from Iain Dowie's experience at that level. There are few people around who have taken three Championship clubs to a higher level.'


  1. At least the players shouldn't get lost during training sessions. Dowie has intimate knowledge of the local motorway system.

  2. Hi Wyn...Your blog is the one I rely on the most for the most informative information. I very much like reading it. Please post an update or your take on any possible take over. Thanks. Bcaddick.

  3. I don't have any news, if I did I would post it. One thing is for sure, it needs to be resolved sooner or later as the question of who will be manager is dependent on it and that needs to be sorted.

  4. Does anyone know why Pompey are set for a big injection of funds? Aren't they the worst run club in the country? I'm feeling a tad envious.
