Friday 12 February 2010

Curbs to blame for mess at West Ham?

That's the line taken here: Curbs

It is believed that the writer is a West Ham fan and the article might be seen as not unhelpful in terms of efforts to persuade Curbs to convert what he is owed into equity in the Hammers. As far as blame is concered, it might as well be laid at the door of the Egg.


  1. This is such a stupid argument it doesn't warrant proper examination.

    I would simply say the Tabloid press who seemingly all support West Ham have a bizarre way of measuring their own club's success. Its not based on league position but instead on the manager's personality and the style of play inherited by the team (irrespective of how ineffectual that style may be).

    Its a wonder such morons can exert their authority on footballing matters through such influential mouthpeices.

  2. It is clearly a deliberately controversial piece but I am reasonably certain Steven Howard is not a West Ham fan. The Sun tend to run their contoversial columns on a Friday.

    For sure, to lay all the blame at Curbs' door is nonsense but he has to accept some of the blame.

    He left because players were sold against his wishes, stating he had an agreement that he would decide on the composition of the squad. This claim was upheld, hence his compensation package.

    The five players named - Ljunberg, Dyer, Boa Morte, Quashie & Davenport - were poor buys & presumably identified by Curbs as players he wanted. To pay over inflated fees & wages was not his fault but recruiting them was.

    Curbs is not the first manager who could not replicate his success at another club. In all honesty, if we were West Ham fans how would we fel about his time at the club?

  3. Fair enough Ketts but the acquisition of Boa Morte, Davenport, Neill, Upson and Quashie were panic buys to keep them in the Premier League. They were signed on over inflated fees and wages due to their situation. I think under the circumstances Curbishley delivered 100% that season.

    Ljunberg, Dyer, Bellamy and Scott Parker for that matter were signed to make a statement that the club were serious about challenging for a Champions League place. I know that sounds silly now but at the time the best way to send out that kind of message is to sign players of the callaber of Ljunberg and Dyer, the fact that they were probably past their best (as it turned out) was all part of the clubs attempts to convince the footballing world that they were serious.

    Hindsight is great but if West Ham had not suffered the injuries that season and strengthened in the January (something the club were still boasting about that summer) they could well have fnished in a much higher position.

    Despite the money available clubs like West Ham cannot sign top players as they won't go there the signings they made could have changed that perception a little.
