Saturday 2 October 2010

Disappointment at Brentford

I was hoping for at least a point at Brentford today, so the result is a disappointment. Talk about 'bottom club' Brentford is misplaced, however. One should never read results off the table, but this is a very fluid division this season. 'Bottom club' Dagenham and Redbridge won again today and are now out of the relegation positions. The league is tight at the top.

Phil Parkinson has criticised the team's mentality in the first half, but his critics argue that he should have motivated them better. Gary Alexander put the Bees in front with a drive into the roof of the net and Tourmai Diagouraga scored their second with a curling shot.

The returning Rob Elliot prevented Nicky Forster scoring a third before Charlton scored through Wagstaff's volley. Ben Hamer had to make a double save from Sodje who had been brought on in the 86th minute in place of Fortune. Perhaps he should have been introduced sooner.

Given the prevailing gloom, the stats don't look that bad. Possession was 54-46 to Charlton and we had as many shots on target as the Bees (six). However, we did have seven off target to their two and only won two corners to their seven.

As usual after every defeat, there is plenty of criticism of Phil Parkinson. But whatever one's view, he is here for the rest of the season. A club that can't afford an electronic scoreboard can't afford to replace its manager.


  1. 'A club that can't afford an electronic scoreboard can't afford to replace its manager.'
    Good point. But at this rate we are soon going to be asking the question : 'Whilst we can't afford an electronic scoreboard can we afford not afford to replace the manager?'
    Phil Parkinson strikes me as an all round good bloke. But there still seems to be a sense of free-fall even with him in charge. Two years on from Pardew, are we really any better off?

  2. not on tour, but struggling to keep in the league

  3. Radio 4 has a show called 'think the unthinkable' - so lets do just that.

    So we're 8th. Actually we're only 5 points off relegation. Our manager has spent the last money we didn't have on Benson, who has put in a lot of effort but has 1 goal in 5 matches. Our best (fit) player is on loan from Ipswich: We're playing a west Ham loanee ahead of our own homegrown talent; The directors have stolen money from the fans who invested in the club, most before the glory years when it really counted.
    In the last few weeks we've seen some real "charlton" people at the Valley - Lennie, Rob Lee, Paul Mortimer. How Parkinson has the effrontery to blame the players is unbelieveable. They are his players, he needs to decide, like Murray, whether he's going to be a man or a "banker". It isn't possible to be both.

    PS: Richard, as a (now) ex-shareholder I expect a free ST next year.

  4. And we're worse than millwall, at least their shares are worth something.

  5. I sold my shares when the club went off AIM as the writing was on the wall. But in all honesty I regarded the share purchases as a donation to the club and the directors have put in far more money over the years than I have.

  6. I don't understand why 'anonymous' needs to make comments such as

    'he needs to decide, like Murray, whether he's going to be a man or a "banker'

    Leaving aside the ridiculous vilification of all bankers as sub human, it seems odd that he considers Murray someone who is plundering Charlton for monetary gain. As for Parky, he's the manager, even if you consider him inept (which I don't), do you honestly believe its in his interests to intentionally drag the club down?

    Wyn is right, this is an expexctancy issue. We play in a big stadium and have a relatively glorious recent history BUT we also have no money and can only afford League 1 players. I enjoyed supporting the Charlton of the early and mid 90s even though I knew we weren't good enough to progress.

    Lets get behind this team as well. It could take a few years, a few more very average strikers, but with Murray at the helm I have faith that our finances are secure and we at least have a club to support and watch every week. People need to adjust their expectations and start understanding the financial constraints we are operating under. One day our fortunes will take an upward trajectory again.

    Essentially Charlton fans need to stop acting like whining little girls. Its embarassing. Man up a bit, stop having these hissy fits every time we fail to win and start supporting the team.

  7. I don't consider that Murray is plundering CAFC for cash, but he is proliferating the 'big money takes all' mentality that sees RBS and co bailed out while Equitable life policy holders get nothing.

    Wyn, no doubt Murray has put more money than I have into the club - he's also received far more from the club, in terms of profile, ego satisfaction and I presume also money. No, I never expected to get a return on my shares, but neither did I expect them to vanish entirely.

    Parkinson inept - maybe, but the real issue here is that Murray, whatever his intentions, is undoubtedly inept. Most supporters seem to blame Dowie and Pardew for the club's problems - well, who appointed them? We can cite a whole list of poor signings, often hugely overpaid, from Hasslebaink and Weaver through to McLeod and Moutoukil - again, the chairman somehow has escaped any criticism for this.
    We've had a horribly disjointed team, with dozens of loanees, again managers cannot do this without approval from the board.
    What 'anonynmous' fails to appreciate is that this is close to being not a poor point, but the nadir of the club's history. I don't expect us to be in the premierleague:but neither do I expect us to be in the fourth division, and at the moment that looks more than possible.
