Sunday 5 December 2010

Dale take financial hit

Rochdale reckon they have lost £50,000 as a result of the postponement of the game with Charlton. Supremo Chris Dunphy told The Football League Paper 'We were expecting a big crowd with them doing well and not having played Rochdale in a league game for so long. We were hoping to bring in £50,000. You won't get the same crowd again for a midweek game so we will lose out there.'

On another topic, The Non-League Paper is reporting that the financial situation at Welling has deteriorated further and there is a real risk of the club folding and going out of the Blue Square South (Ilkeston Town have already folded in the Blue Square North).

It's difficult to assess how serious the situation really is, but the tax authorities are taking a hard line with clubs that do not pay their bills. If they did fold, it would have implications for Charlton as we use Park View Road as a second string ground as well as opening the season by playing the Wings in the Crown Berger Cup.

1 comment:

  1. PVR is jointly leased with Erith & Belvedere FC, I believe from the local council, so it is unlikely to disappear as a foootball ground just because Welling fold. Indeed, Welling only took the tenancy there when Bexley United bankrupted themselves.
