Tuesday 11 January 2011

Howe stays put

This has been a very fast-moving story and it is difficult to keep up as I have to spend some time on the day job. The latest news I have from Bournemouth sources is (i) that Charlton have been wavering and (ii) that we can expect a definitive announcement around 1 p.m.

UNCONFIRMED FLASH 12.53: Howe is staying at Cherries. If true, perhaps our original 'false' story was correct! This has now been confirmed by the BBC and SkySports.

I think that the new board deserves credit for going after him. My view is that they was no premeditated conspiracy to get rid of Parky, they simply didn't like what they saw against Swindon, bearing in mind other recent results, and they noted the crowd reaction.

If Howe doesn't come, Gary Johnson is now available. I have not thought this through, but my initial reactions are lukewarm, although I wouldn't judge him by Peterborough as I don't have a high opinion of the set up there. Even we could beat them 5-1.


  1. The Bournemouth website confirms Howe is staying put.

  2. I don't see johnson as preferable to parky.

  3. Johnson has at least as good a record as Parkinson.His teams also play football consistently as I recall.

    A bigger question is why do we do this? How come it gets out before a deal is agreed? The same happened with Billy Davies. didn't it?

    Credit to Howe though, few in football turn that sort of thing down (see Pardew). Last one I can remember was O'Neill who turned down Forest when he was at Wycombe I think (although managing Forest is probably the most impossible job in football).

  4. Personally, I want someone with connections to bigger clubs, so we can get some decent loan players in right away, someone who's got some balls and passion, and someone that isn't all nicey nicey. Come on Denis.
