Friday 13 May 2011

Back again - and more about Bessone

Blogger has been down (or rather in read only mode) for some time and one of the consequences was that the post I had made on Bessone was deleted, including comments that two of you had made. Quite what happened is unclear: whether it was routine maintenance that encountered unanticipated problems or difficulties arising from a new design.

The Bessone story has, in any case, moved on with Leeds apparently willing to let him go although he has one year left on his contract and Chris Powell eager to take him on board. Quite what the price would be in terms of a fee or his wages is unknown, but I doubt whether the fee would be that high.

Bessone says that he enjoyed his time at Charlton, but seems in no hurry to return and would be happy to take a pre-season at Leeds. Charlton are a 'big' club but Leeds are a 'massive' club: Bessone

Kelly Youga has apparently returned to fitness, but there is always a risk that a player who has been out for some time would be a shadow of his former self. While his old contract is expiring, he might still want more in wages than we could afford.

My view is that Bessone has been capable without being outstanding and in the circumstances making a move for him makes sense.


  1. My lost post has just come back, so I'm sure they're putting them all back eventually.

  2. On a totally different subject - but one close to your heart Wyn - how confident are you that Rusden & Diamonds will survive?

    The tales of a merger with Kettering have fizzled out, something that would have been loathed by fans of both clubs, despite it offering possible salvation to both.

  3. I have to be careful what I say for legal reasons but I think their situation is very difficult. They don't really have the population base to sustain the club, particularly with an expensive stadium. A merger with Kettrin' would certainly have been unpopular with the fans of some clubs. I must admit I haven't been for some time as I have got more involved with Leamington.

  4. Worried for next seasongoing into it with Manager no expierence same his assistant and the coach only expierence with the Academy

  5. For next season we have to improve our corners and crosses and show more energy around the pitch.Playing football across and then launching it forward will not get the supporters back

  6. Youga was a real crowd favourite and to have him back would be better than a more consistent Bessone. As some comment said before, the crowd need to start liking the players again!
