Sunday 29 May 2011

Brad knows it will be hard

Bradley Pritchard is featured in an article in The Non-League Paper talking about his aspirations at Charlton. The Loughborough University sports science graduate knows it will not be easy as he seeks to break into the first team at The Valley.

'I'm under no illusions that it's going to be extremely hard. I've got a lot to prove ... I've got a job on to prove myself to my new teammates and manager during pre-season to hopefully get in the Charlton team.'

Pritchard admits that he is a late developer. The slightly built midfielder noted, 'Some players, like myself, have maybe got deficiencies like being smaller than others', a point illustrated in the photo accompanying the article by another player towering over him.

Brad's only disappointment is that he will no longer be travelling to China in August to represent Great Britain at the World University Games.


  1. height has no bearing on the quality of the player: for example the forwards and midfield of Barcelona were all relatively short yet .......

  2. Yes, but. We are not talking about Barcelona here. I was concerned all season about how often opposition players were bigger and physically stronger. Given often weak protection from the officials, we were sometimes clogged off the pitch. I realise that this is a development player and one of the tasks may be to improve his build. Skill can compensate for lack of height. Matty Holmes was very short but did fine until Muskrat finished him off. With Brad we shall see, but he is certainly up for the challenge.
