Tuesday 2 July 2013

Acworth rounds up billionaires

With the Russian takeover having collapsed before it even got going, Charlton fan Jonathan Acworth (42) has launched his own plan to assemble a consortium from his penthouse in Greenwich. Acworth revealed, 'I'm going to do all I can to contact as many rich billionaires as I can. If I can get two or three around the table this is my goal and I will achieve it. I've already had someone come in worth 10 billion but I think I put him off a bit.'

Acworth emphasised, 'I'm not winding up, I'm bloddy [sic] serious.' Addicks fans swamped the message boards to express their gratitude for this initiative in colourful terms.


  1. Great work keep going make it public so the media now and it will urge tem more on.my name is Greg into young to do this keep going

  2. Thanks Greg and Jonkool for your kind words this week sorry havent been in touch been a bit busy this week.The reason why i am doing this is simple i love charlton athletic ,ok it may to some sound a wacky idea but the way i look at it now the club is losing money left right and center at a tune of £500,000 rumoured to be a month.The club cant carry on losing this amount of money we already rumoured to have a debt of around 37m.I dont know how the club could afford Fullers contract who was on a reported £12000 a week salary where is that money comming from?Charlton fans are a little concerned as their seems to be a missing 10% owner.This loss of money cant continue if we are to stay in the championship,look at portsmouth look how quickly they slid into oblivion after administration?The board have got to come clean and tell all -we are surely all in this together and only want the truth from the board and more press stories comming from the players and boardroom level the quietness during pre season is deafning.
    The only reason why i am trying get a takeover is that the club can be run properly no hiding from the truth to the fans like its doing at present.We need a borad that the charlton fans can trust and move us forward,with right investment charlton could be a force in the premier league again.I am going do all i can to make that happen if i can get lucky with 2 or 3 billionaires likeing my idea we could have enough cash for a possible takeover -but first i need everyones support on my plan to make this work.If jaminez and co dont want the club anymore then perhaps now is the right time to sell up.

    jonathan acworth

  3. decent wind-up Wyn.

  4. Greg again who are the billionaires plus if they do want the club they can get sold to a Russian billionaire for cheap and bring in money Greg and have you talked to these billionaires.

  5. Hi greg i sent off 6 at the weekend just gone they very from well known to not so well known have heaps of cash past the 10billion mark ive talked to one but as i said the debt i think scared him off a bit so if i can get someone very high up as him i think i can get others.I have just got to keep plugging away at it get the fliers out and hope for the best.
    My goal is to get 3 or 4 around the table who have loads of cash to play with ,simular to the sunderland style take over.
    If i can get everyone around a table talking which might take a season or two to put together,i then might try and ask them help buy the club and a future bid.If anyone would like to help on this please feel free to email me on facebook where i can be contacted.The more help spreading the word the more easier it will be to get a takeover completed.Obviously i am running this takeover so if succesfull i will hopefully get a position at the club in some capacity either director of football or chairman that be my goal.

    jonathan acworth

  6. Acworth says that if the takeover bid he is running succeeds he would like to be either chairman or director of football. Which role would you like to see him in? Or can you think of another suitable position?

  7. manager wyn lol

  8. Toilet Attendant

  9. Sciurus Carolinensis Nemesis9 July 2013 at 12:33

    The "brace" position
    HEad between the knees to kiss one's .... goddbye...

    Maybe that's a bit harsh and we'll all have egg on our faces when he pulls it off, maybe - no such thing as bad publicity after all
