Wednesday 31 July 2013

Cause for pessimism?

A blog post that reflects the pessimism, or at least disquiet, felt by many Charlton fans: Lack of investment

I have been critical of the present board, but if you are losing over £7m a year, and no new investor can be found, it is not surprising that cutbacks follow. I am not that concerned about the lack of a back up goalkeeper as one can always be found on an emergency loan if needed. The absence of a second striker of proven Championship quality is of more concern.


  1. A far bigger concern is that somebody (presumably whoever really owns the club) is guaranteeing that loss. As they seem to gain no benefit or obvious enjoyment from being associated with the club publicly, my fear is that they may at any time decide to pull the plug and send the club into administration.

  2. Cowardly Directors in not facing 9000+ season ticket holders with some explanation.

  3. Like a number of others, I am also becoming concerned also about certain players' contracts running down - notably, those of Solly (in particular), Wiggins, Morrison and Hamer. Let's hope that this will be addressed shortly, perhaps when the Sky money arrives.

    One thing the former regime never allowed was for the contracts of our very good players to run down and, with them, the level of potential transfer fees receivable. That makes zero business sense - however much the current owners want out - and we don't want our prized assets walking out for nothing next summer or, more likely, being sold for derisory sums in January. Yes, we are incurring large losses and yes we have to have regard to the FFP regulations, but on any objective view, the case for making an investment in extending Solly's contract (at the very least) is incontrovertible and we are almost bound to be the net winners.

    There is still time to address this and it may, indeed, be on the Board's agenda. The difficulty is that the lack of any meaningful communication generally tends to breed a climate of distrust and an undercurrent of anxiety amongst supporters.

  4. Ready to start a fan constuim ???

  5. Jiminez , Slater last seen leading Shergar ridden by Lord Lucan
