Sunday 22 September 2013

Awful game, awful goal, awful result

This is how one Addick summed up yesterday's home defeat by Millwall. I wasn't able to get to the game because my wife is unwell, and I am glad that I didn't as I would have been very dispirited from everything I have read and heard. Losing at home to Millwall is not a surprise, but the way in which we lost is what is painful.

The Football League Paper this morning said of Charlton: 'Sluggish, sloppy, lethargic - they exhibited about as much attacking intent as a conscientious objector. Against a side as limited and fragile as Millwall, their caution was totally unnecessary and quite rightly invited the derision of a frustrated Valley.'

We certainly miss Kermorgant when he is not available. Given the limitations of Sordell, I don't blame Chris Powell for starting Piggott, I just hope that the experience won't have sapped his confidence and impeded his development as a player.

As reports from other Addicks bloggers have suggested, the central midfield was a significant problem and many Addicks have criticised Bradley Pritchard in particular. The FLP says: 'Kept under wraps by Bailey. Shocker of a pass left Charlton exposed for goal.' Of Jackson, 'So often the talisman, his left boot offered just a couple of so-so corners.' Dale Stephens gets a more favourable mention: 'Best of all Addicks midfielders on the ball. Crosses caused panic.'

Our home form was poor last season, but we were helped by our away form which reflected the spirit of the players. The current lack of commitment by the players is worrying, but one has to remember that most of them are on expiring contracts. Chris Powell's contract has not been renewed and it has been suggested that his relations with the board are not always harmonious.

The 'Powell out' crowd has been emboldened by this result and performance and even some of his fans have expressed some doubts. However, we have to remember that he was given limited funds in the summer to strengthen the squad. If we are relegated, it will be because we do not have a Championship squad, even if some do argue that it is the manager's job to make silk purses out of sow's ears.

Most Championship clubs lose money, sometimes spectacularly. Blackburn reported losses of £27m earlier this week. There isn't a magic money tree full of cash and as it is the owners are having to cover a loss which is likely to be in the region of £7m-£8m again this year, perhaps more if attendances continue to fall. However, if we are relegated to League 1, they will be at risk of losing their investment.

A crumb of comfort is that we are not actually in a relegation position and there are other teams who are also struggling. Bolton may be too big to go down (but remember Wolves), while Barnsley's luck may run out and Yeovil are punching above their weight. The Massives also look as if they are in some difficulty after their 4-1 defeat at Birmingham. Unfortunately, our next game is away at Burnley who are a surprise package in second place after their win at Leeds yesterday.


  1. Rumours have Peowell exiting and Pulis incoming?

  2. This is all caused by bad management from Board,sacking everyone who understood how to run club, slashing costs to protect their investment, leaving squad on short term contracts,which kills moral and then asking potential new investors to pay £40mn for a ship full of holes.
    Did anyone look at Directors box yesterday ,no Jiminez,no Slater only Richard Murray left holding the baby.
    I can't believe supporters being so quiet, all of the above are well known facts, any other club ,supporters be shouting Board out ,but no we will be slipping into league 1 again before protests start.

  3. Piece in programme re FFP shows a turnover of 12m in a good season.Must be lower this season so why do we play reserve teams for Cup games.Millwall shows what a bonus it can be to have a good Cup run.

  4. What rumours about Powell out? Ridiculous and knee jerk. Poor performance yes but let's have a little perspective on matters.

  5. I have certainly heard rumours that Mr Powell will be getting a taxi by Christmas. Pulis has been rumoured as a replacement, but then so was Gus Poyet. I would certainly agree that we should take cups more seriously, but even in Premiership days we didn't take the league cup seriously when that was a reasonable target for a club like ours. As for the board, many supporters seem to be more tolerant either (i) because they rescued the club from what otherwise be administration or (ii) on the grounds of 'stick to nurse for fear of something worse.'

  6. The game was grim. Awfully grim. Both sides turned up for the game but after the first five minutes Charlton seemed to have disappeared down the pub instead. They were playing like they were pissed.
    A lacklustre performance seems to me to reflect what the atmosphere must be behind the scenes. It's a tough nut for Chris Powell to crack, and to be honest, he is fighting the battle with both his hands tied behind his back.
    Without significant funds to bolster the squad, he simply can't do a lot. He is reliant on the morale and goodwill of the team, and there doesn't seem to be a lot of that. If you have the majority of the team on contracts that expire at the end of the year, then you can't expect any loyalty from them. It's a two way street.
    Should they decide to walk on a free then heaven knows where we are going to get a team from, save from promoting talent from the Academy.
    Like I suspect many other Addicks, I am seriously concerned about the long-term situation for CAFC.
    I hope I am proved wrong!
