Wednesday 19 March 2014

CAS Trust and the G21/Royal Oak Group

The CAS Trust has issued a statement about what is variously known as the G21 or the 'Royal Oak' Group from the location of its initial meeting: Oak Group. The CAS Trust emphasises its status as a democratic, membership-based organisation, but indicates its willingness to enter into dialogue with the Oak Group.

Some fans consider that the latter group is too closely associated with the 'Old Guard' of Valley Party campaigners, although they would argue that their experience is relevant to the present situation. The CAS Trust does make a considerable effort to consult its members (of which I am one) through online surveys.

I suppose that I am somewhat less concerned about the supposed threat to the club posed by the takeover than either of these groups, particularly when one considers what the alternative might have been. However, there is always value in more information and greater transparency, if only to kill off some of the wilder rumours that have been circulating.


  1. Wyn I am all for 2 way dialogue between fans and the football club,with the fans having 1 strong group to channel concerns etc through, having 2 groups in my opinion is not productive, and tends to lead to friction between them both,and less authority with the club.
    Both the CAS Trust, and the Royal oak group, do need to get together and speak as one, and I am certainly against hinting at any type of threat to club if the board were to refuse to meet, if we ended up with splinter groups all wanting a meeting they are not going to get very far, sort yourselves out guys and speak as one, its the only way forward.

  2. What is the real purpose of this inclusive, self promoting, dare I say 'Rave from the Grave' Group? Please feel free to rest on your well deserved laurels.
    There already is a Fans Forum and a Supporters Trust.
    We have a new owner, with new ideas, who put his hand in his pocket, kept us going and is taking us forward.
    'Cozy old Charlton' dwellers can either join the ride or not. If not, I wish they would keep all the unreasonable, rabble rousing negative braying to themselves.
    To me, there is nothing quite so annoying as people claiming to speak for me when we have never shared a word on the subject.

  3. As Ken points out, there is an issue of representativeness here. As Malcolm points out, there is no value in having two voices. Richard Hunt from Prague is on the Trust board as well as in the Royal Oak group, so perhaps he can bring them together, although remarks in the last Trust news about VOTV were not helpful.

  4. When you become increasingly removed from the inner sanctum of the club and have a fanzine and a book to sell what you gonna do? Of course, form a group with your mates and nearest and dearest!

  5. Ken says..RD is taking us forward..has he got inside info. As to RDs plans for us!!!!..we know that he's stated that we could loose our top players to Liege..but I can't see him doing the opp. for us..just footballers who don't make it at Liege..what does that tell you..if he hadn't sold Yann, Dale and Ben Sheff Untd could have been a different outcome..morale was very low there and a deflected goal sealed our fate..Chriss was never going to be a yes man and he did wonders with no extra cash.
    Been season ticket holder for years..not even bothered to open letter for tickets this year..cozy old Charlton Dweller

  6. I'll say it again: we have a chance of a decent future with Roland Duchatelet, whereas we had no chance with Cash and Co. Words could never adequately express my respect for any Valley Party veterans and the work that they did to get us back to where the mist comes in from the Thames. They have as much, if not more, right to represent their views as any supporters. However, I hope that they will work closely with CAST and remain positive and considered in their relationships with the owner. He doesn't look like a man who responds well to threats but then I've never seen a multimillionaire who does. I've supported the Addicks for 55 years and I reckon that he comes across as a highly intelligent guy, as opposed to earlier owners. Remember Maruman(?) International and the purchase of Allan Simonsen?)So personally I wouldn't protest too much at the moment. I'm an optimistic member of the 'Wait and See' camp.

  7. They should just go away and leave the new Owners in peace,they do not represent the majority of supporters and over 20 years have past since Valley Party.£50MN was written off by Shareholders and Ex Directors in 2009 when Murray took over, and more money by Cash ,now Roland puts in £14 plus more to come,what right do these people have to question what the owners are doing.
    They do not own the Club,never saved the Club,Money and Money always saves the Club and as far as I can see they ain't put enough in between them to buy a Coach to a game ,so boys on your bikes and that goes for CAST too.

  8. I am a passionate member of the "wait and see" brigade . RD in my mind does have a plan a strategy or maybe just a hunch . So just let him be until the Summer , these groups are going to tie themselves in knots trying to reveal the true "Dutchatelet plot". Charlton is now alive and kicking and for that I am extremely grateful to RD. At the end of the day results and style of play will determine the true perspective of where we are going .

    Colin G

  9. They are all wannabes,what they don't understand is nobody cares what they have to say and The Voice of the Valley isn't the Voice of the supporters it's the voice of a bunch of wannabes,that have wanted to be for 20 years.

  10. Yeah n that Trust iss a waste of space n it don't represent most of the fans it juss likes to ave some importance. There's loss of fans groups n we don't need more infightin from the likes of theirn.


  11. Yeah n I like Duchatelet n all e's a liberal n I can't stand the far right brigade. I liked Chris Powell n all but we ave to support the players n club no matter wot appens n thass all there is to it.

  12. The so called Oak Group and The Trust do not speak for or represent the majority of fans. RD will do well to ignore them and get on with implementing his plan. Good luck to him.

  13. Firstly, I'm not a member of any Charlton lobby or pressure group but it is hard to disagree with the desirability, at least from the fans' point of view, of greater dialogue with the owner or his representative. It might well help him to clarify in his own mind just exactly what his plans are and also, critically, help to evaluate the effects of his actions. RD is a businessman who has invested a significant amount of money in CAFC but a good business owner will take heed of the needs and aspirations of their customers (in this case the fans of Charlton Athletic) and try to increase the customer base by reaching out to it. Dialogue seems like a good deal for everyone who has at heart the best interests of CAFC.
    If his most significant and well-documented actions to date, selling best players, bringing in of players who to date are not providing the required impact, sacking popular and successful manager, are examples of the clarity of his ideas for CAFC then it could be a very bumpy ride indeed. I sincerely hope that I'm wrong.
