Sunday 23 March 2014

New ideas don't make us madmen

That's the headline on the back page of the Football League Paper today illustrated by a large picture of José Riga captioned 'Leading the way'. But, of course, the world of football is inherently conservative and new thinking doesn't go down very well.

The article refers back to a FA coaching manual produced in 2010 called The Future Game which identified a need for more innovative coaches. However, Graham Westley notes that Jose Riga at Charlton was adopting methods 'I have preciously used successfully previously with players. Riga, particularly, was getting very positive reviews from his players as a "leading edge practitioner" ... English football will not progress by sticking to old fashioned ways.'

Riga talks about his involvement with the CogiTraining system here (scroll down): Riga. However, his involvement with Real Madrid was mocked in the latest issue of Voice of the Valley.

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