Friday 18 July 2014

Red, Red Robin

Rumours have been circulating that the playing of the Red, Red Robin before home games is to be dropped. The rumours appear to have no basis.

However, it has sparked an interesting debate among fans and more of a division of opinion than I expected. It is clear that some fans don't like the song and, more specifically, they think that it does not provide the right intimidating, pumped up atmosphere before games. It has also been pointed out that we are not 'Robins' any more.

It's not clear what would, although there have been various suggestions. Mull of Kintyre is one suggestion, but I don't think that it would provide what is needed, even though the crowd could sing along with 'Valley Floyd Road'.

A compromise might be to play Red, Red Robin in the pre-match build up. For me, it is part of going to The Valley and I'm not sure that the music the players come out to really has much impact on performance.


  1. Wyn, fear I may be getting psychic, was wondering some days ago if the song would be ditched. Might be a good acid test of the owner's attitude: if it's just dropped, with no consultations with fans/explanation, that will say something (to add to those promised meetings with fans' groups). Hopefully it's handled well, whether or not the song goes (I'd agree moving the timing would be a better option).

  2. Wyn, It seems to me most teams playing away fear getting the home fans stirred up the most, so I personally would support Mull of Kintyre being used instead of Red Red Robin, both fans ,and players are more familiar with it, and generates more passion.

  3. Given our Belgian ownership I am looking forward to a rousing blast of Ca Plane Pour Moi by the legendary Plastic Bertrand as the players come out.

  4. Music does inspire emmotions in in all different manner of ways. In a football match you need something rousing to get the team and fans going and to be honest the Red Red Robin is really completely the wrong sort of song. Its more like a tune for someone going on a jolly or a senior outing! Though to be fair some of the players have looked like that doing that!

  5. Some of our most inspired performances in recent years have followed a minutes silence for a departed person of note. I suggest we ditch all music.

  6. What is wrong with tradition? Charlton Athletic is steeped in it and dropping a song that IS THE VALLEY is like moving to Selhurst!!!

  7. I know the song has nothing to do with Charlton but what about chase the sun which is the premier league darts music which gets absolutly everyone pumped up for a game which i personally think would be a great choice of entrance music

  8. The Belgium national anthem.

  9. I love the red red robin but probably admit I am in the minority,
    However there is one verse that I think everyone should join in and they could do this by turning down the volume when we get to

    Cheer up, cheer up the sun is red,
    Live, love, laugh and be happy!"

    and the whole crowd sings these 2 lines , especially BA !

  10. Sciurus Carolinensis Nemesis18 July 2014 at 12:28

    There's no need to change it, I don't suppose it registers at all with the players. If a rousing rallying battlecry is needed the only credible candidate is 'Into The Valley' by The Skids. It has been used in parts of the build up over the years. There's no doubting tho' that the whole 'This Is The Valley' spiel and "big"screen stuff is just so much hooey of no influence on proceedings whatsoever, the job of prepping our players to kick lumps out of the oppo and score a goal or 2 falls to Belgian Bob and no tune piped over a lightweight tinny p.a. system is gonna make an iota of difference.

  11. Being of the older generation i'm minded to stick with 'Red Red robin' But i do understand the view that it is hardly a rousing anthem.
    So if it is dropped? What's wrong with the tune we sometimes hear anyway?
    'Into the Valley' by the Skids, that is rousing.


  12. Come On! ... As an infrequent visitor to the Valley (because I live in Australia) .. the playing of "Red Red Robin" is the one moment I crave at the start of a home game !!! To me that is OUR song ... to me it IS rousing !!! It talks of our brilliant past and what we wish to aspire too ... it talks of our better days ... I can't think of any better tune to send us out to try and emulate performances of days past ... SAVE Red Red Robin ... and Mull of Kintyre ??? what the hell has that got to do with a SE London club ... It's in Scotland !!!

  13. Personally this is music to my ears! Red red robin makes us a bit of a laughing stock. I mentioned this a couple of years ago and got kicked off a fan forum for the suggestion of something with a bit more bite! This is the valley build up on the screen with all the old clips is great ...followed by ....? Not a man banging a tin cup singing about a winter bird! Mull of kintyre is too slow zzzzz

  14. I like having it for tradition, but have to say I've always fancied us playing Swords of a thousand men during the build up

  15. The moment I hear the start of Red, Red Robin, my heart beats faster and I know I'm just about to watch Charlton at The Valley. I would hate to have it changed. Wherever I am, the song reminds me of all the good times that I have had following Charlton for over 50 years and all the good friends and family, some now dead, that I've shared those times with.

  16. I must add to the sentiments of Brian Cassey and Brian G. The Billy Cotton version of Red,Red Robin IS Charlton Athletic!! Wherever you may hear that song\record\CD\MP3 what do you think immediately? The Valley. As for all these stupid theatrical alternatives - do me a favour!!

  17. How about some Jacques Breil? me quitte pas.

    Would be quite fitting.

  18. the red red robin is a link to the past - a link to all those other supporters who are no longer with us in body ditching tradition only can alienate many of us older supporters and makes changes to the club these changes ultimately are not usually for the good 77

  19. Jacques Brel.

  20. People all round me clap to RRR even if they don't sing it. VFR has wonderful emotion but, face it, it's a dirge. "Addicted to love" is powerful and could soon become "Addicted to Reds", but no need to ditch RRR.

  21. Tradition cannot be bought or cajoled. It takes time to build, to earn, to be proud.

    The RRR has represented the Charlton family for generations. We must not throw this away.

  22. Charlton Athletic play football at The Valley and run out to Billy Cotton and "Red Red Robin." Anything else is not us.

  23. I know it is well intentioned, but how about not having the PA drown out the real atmosphere generated by the crowd just before kick off? The music is usually still playing after the game has started... And the team do have to run out to RRR. Interestingly, Red Red Robin was played during the exile at Selhurst, as if the regime that took us there were trying to say: "Look, this is still Charlton" !

  24. "Suffer little children" by the Smiths would be my choice
