Monday 22 September 2014


I think the CAS Trust is doing a good job given the constraints they face, but it is evident from conversations that some supporters are still suspicious of them. It is difficult to see what alternative representative structure there is or might be. I suppose some fans might say they don't want to be represented by anyone, but then it is difficult to see how the club can have any kind of dialogue with fans.

Some of the difficulties that can arise in that relationship are evident in Richard Murray's remarks at the Trust annual general meeting which can be read here: Richard Murray

The latest Trust News was also very good value, particularly considering it was given out free! I particularly enjoyed the article on how the Second World War affected the club.

The interview with Katrien Meire was also very interesting, not surprising that she came across as charming but steely. It was interesting to learn that she had approached Roland about a job, given her love of football, and that he had already certain her a number of e-mails on the day of the interview, which shows that he is very 'hands on'.

Interesting also that she is a competition law specialist, an area of law that has particular relevance for football and has brought about many changes in the game, e.g., the Bosman decision. However, given that, I am a little surprised that she and Roland place so much faith in financial fair play delivering a more level playing field for clubs like Charlton.

I am not a lawyer, let alone a sports lawyer, but I have talked to a number of them and read some of their papers and they are doubtful whether the Uefa scheme as drafted is compatible with European Union law, and by extension whether the Football League scheme has also has a sound legal basis. QPR may, of course, mount a court challenge, but one could also be initiated by a player, as in the case of Bosman.


  1. The reason why charlton fans are suspious of them is simply the clinqe brigade from charlton life got this trust thing together i know as i attended the first meeting at new eltham its all charlton life regulars who seem have great fun banning people from into the valley site and other charlton forums -now if they had a committee in place from into the valley and not 606 charlton site then yes they would be trusted

  2. The classic ITV persecution complex is alive and well, I see.

  3. you should have done it more fairly that means select a member from the other forums not just the life brigade ,this way u would be more trusted by people like reams and others from not 606 etc who elected razil in the first place?

  4. this is why the trust are smurked upon by most of the itv lot simply its jobs for the boys look at ben hayes slagging the current lot off ie management until he got his cozey job at the meuseum the life stinks of the closed door brigade and not a fair place for the trust to be appointed.

  5. i sugest into the valley run a opposite trust where its fairer

  6. a little whisper yann to return on a season long loan

  7. Acworth, why did you only got to the first meeting? is it because it wasn't just a way of exchanging rumours and gossip? Or perhaps they didn't subscribe to your idea to email the top 100 richest people begging them to bail out our club. Was RD on your list, LOL?

    Its not a clique, none of the usual suspects were involved, and they didn't know each other beforehand. Nor are any of them admins on CL, and some are also members of ITTV - perhaps if the level of personal and often outrageous abuse dished out on that Forum was moderated they might appear their more often.

    The electoral process is handed down by Supporters Direct. If people wanted to be nominated they only need to ask, starting by contacting the Secretary of the Trust as advertised stating they wanted to stand.

    Despite the open and approachable stance the Trust takes you still take issue. Among other things they have a stall every match day manned by volunteers giving up their precious spare time so praps they deserve the benefit of the doubt?

    Its a pretty sad fact that some fans just like to throw rocks at anyone who stands up for something they believe in. Human nature I guess.

    A Charlton Fan

  8. FYI Ben Hayes and the museum is not connected to the Trust in any way

  9. Right I tell u why I went along to the first meeting I heard a lot of rumours that our debt at the time was around the 65m mark and getting a lot higher the club were losing around 500k per month and that was being covered by slater every month stopping club going into admin,when I went along I heard rumours that solicitors where contacted regarding how easy it was for administration now that was worrying me big time.So I went along to see if their was anything I could try and do to help as I know several people who have really good connection(and im not bullshitting on this either).The reason why the abuse on the into the valley site towards Charlton life is the fact they have great pleasure in banning people on that forum for no reason and then get smug about it after hense why reams and a few others got wind that the trust was put together by that forum stinks big time. The election process should have allowed other forums like into the valley and not 606 lot get involved in the election process this is why other fans feel the trust is not worth it because its been put together by a certain few who have great pleasure in banning people from other forums.I would like the trust to re do its election process say every 4 years and involve key figures from into the valley site like reams ,salmon and lucky to name but a few who care 100 per cent about the club regarding ben hayes I heard different I heard he had helped that's from severall other people in the know.But you can see my point re the fairness of the trust if they let others on have their say then yes could be trusted at the moment they are not.

  10. ketts has reported in saying weve been offered grant holt as a loan signing would anyone be happy with holt and yann?

  11. see i told u henry irving ie ben hayes help set up the trust just have to look on the charlton meuseum thread the trust needs a complete revamp and thats starting with people at the top ELECTION PLEASE TRUST AND MAKE SURE OTHER FORUMS ARE INVITED......
