Thursday 23 October 2014

Results are better than the stats

A couple of Addicks have been taking a look at the stats for the season so far. One reports: 'We've averaged 44% possession; had a total of 114 shots to the opposition's 205; with 40 on target to their 57; and 16 goals to their 12. Behind these stats are our 40 corners (only 14 at home!) to their 118.'

'If you want to be positive, then we have a much higher percentage of our shots on target, and of those on target, we score 40per cent whereas they only get half that.'

Another Addick commented, 'We have had more possession than our opponents only once in the last 8 games! That is consistent with our season to date: for example in our last 5 games we have only managed a total of 29 efforts on goal (around 6 a match) compared to 80 by our opponents over the same games (an average of 16 attempts per match).

So what are we to make of this. The glass half empty view, as represented by Derek from Dymchurch, would be that we have been riding our luck and will eventually get found out.

The glass half full view, which I prefer, is that we have found a way of coping with the weaknesses of a relatively thin squad vulnerable to injuries to key players. We have a strong defence, exemplified by Bikey, a point made in this report of the Bolton game: Defensive display . If we get a bit more pace and penetration going forward, we would be a real threat.

It should also be noted that we have beaten the two teams in the promotion places. Of the four teams above us, we have beaten one and drawn with two (one yet to play). So there are grounds for some optimism, particularly if we strengthen in the January transfer window.

In this connection, reports of Bob's dinner meeting with Roland are mildly encouraging whilst not containing any firm commitments about strengthening the squad to the extent necessary to push for a play off place: Squad strengthening


  1. I personally think you should get rid of Derek from Dymchurch!! Good article today though! Better than yesterdays! I was the character who commented worst blog ever! Improvement today though!!

  2. Another Anonymous said, dour Derek really only has one tune and the longer we keep racking up the points, the more out of tune he becomes. This is not about luck, we have some good players putting in a shift. When we did finally succumb it was only by one goal! All the other Charlton blogs are in tune with your comments they're just being expressed in different ways. One I liked was called PERPLEXED. What does all this show, perhaps that the only way we can succeed at mo, is by playing effective counter attacking football. I too hope this is an interim transition period. I would like to see CAFC sign just a couple of really experienced Championship central players, of proven top quality. Not, they're really young, have played abroad and if we can get them they might eventually turn out to be ok.

  3. Sciurus Carolinensis Nemesis23 October 2014 at 14:03

    The 'if' in ...if we strengthen in January... is the Biggest IF since big Bob arrived.
    I don't get the impression that there is any real inclination from RD, KM, etc to expand the squad. I fear that only further long-term injuries would stimulate any action in that area. By February we will likely be watching one of the youngest teams in the division - casting no slight on those youngsters' abilities it will still be a worrying site for we supporters

  4. Early in the season I posted on this blog a couple of times that the possession stats were a concern but still our "luck" holds. Having given it far too much thought than it really deserves, I concluded Bob is a master strategist who realises the Championship is full of a lot of dross and therefore success can be built on having a strong defence and being difficult to breakdown. It's not a long term strategy and we'd certainly come unstuck against a side with real quality but it's given us more hope than I expected this season. Thank you Bob.

    ** I look forward to anon 07:41 posting a link to his/her blog so we can all review it **

  5. From the press conference, 'if we are in this position in the new year I think we will strengthen' sounds like one or two quality players could come in. If not? sounds like zilch! I know he's (RD's) running a business not a charity, but it doesn't sound like a very progressive strategy to me.

  6. It could go either way tonight parker the judas little sxxt will no doubt get booed everytime he touches the ball,which i think should happen way the little shite walked out on the club.I never forgive him for that sorry hope him and murphy get lynched tonight a nice 3-0 win coyr

    p.s dont forget to ask murphy if u see him hows his watch doing?
