Saturday 10 January 2015

No birthday cheer for Bob Peeters

There was no birthday cheer for Bob Peeters as Charlton succumbed to a 0-1 defeat by Brighton and Hove Albion at The Valley this afternoon. Peeters said in the programme that there was light at the end of the tunnel, but one fears that it is the train coming the other way (and no longer from Charing Cross).

I tried to buy some luck by getting my Voice of the Valley from Rick Everitt and pushed my way through the throng of admirers (well, actually, Dave from Barnehurst), but it was to no avail. I was surprised to have my ticket checked as I entered the East Stand and even more to be asked if I knew where my seat was, hopefully I do after getting on for twenty years.

The pivotal point of the match was when a shot from Solly rebounded off the underside of the crossbar and the Seagulls then went down the other end and scored, albeit in a well-worked move from a free kick which Etheridge should have dealt with more effectively.

The problem was once again the lack of any cutting edge. Vetokele is clearly out of sorts. When Tucudean went off injured and was replaced by Watt, he at least showed some energy and some nice touches, despite being widely derided before his arrival as a Standard Liege cast off. I also thought that Gudmundsson put in some really good corners, but despite some goalmouth scrambles, we were unable to make anything of these opportunities.

Brighton looked as if they were going for an early goal, but despite some dominance in the early exchanges, were unable to score. We then came into the game a bit more, but all our attempts to mount attacks in the first half lacked pace. Consequently, the momentum of potential opportunities was lost and the Albion were able to mount an effective defence. We showed more pace and determination in the second half, but it didn't bear fruit.

The one bonus was when a notice at Coventry Station said that the car park ticket machine was only accepting notes. I hit the jackpot with more coins pouring out than the five pound note I had tendered.

Player ratings

Etheridge was not impressive, he should have dealt with the goal better and put Bikey in difficulty with a toe poke out earlier on. Bikey gave away a needless free kick from which the Albion scored and looked ponderous at times. Ben Haim got the ball forward well at times, setting up one useful attack, but looked a bit sluggish in defence. It was good to see Wiggins returning. He did get forward well and delivered some good balls into the box. Not surprisingly, he looked tired by the end of the match. If we were still giving silver bones, Chris Solly would have one to add to his substantial collection. He looked our best player. We were concerned when he had to switch to midfield after half time, but he performed his role there well.

It was evident in the first half that Jackson was injured from his running and I am surprised that Bob Peeters started him, but I suppose that it reflects the lack of alternatives. I thought Gudmundsson did well, but an alternative view is that he was 'Below his usual standards, crossing was poor and his corners often going to the first defender. Cousins got involved, managed to maintain his position most of the time and made some useful contributions. Wilson had a simply shocking game.

Vetoekele is a shadow of the player we saw at the beginning of the season. He never threatened, his control was poor and he has clearly lost confidence. Tucadean was a waste of space.

Gomez did well when he came on. Not surprisingly, interest is being shown by bigger clubs but Gomez said in the programme that he intends to stay put as he could get lost at a bigger club. His best development path is at Charlton. Watt was greeted with a chant of 'Watt, Watt, Watt' and looks as if he can do the business. Not clear why Church came on or what he contributed apart from running around a lot, also meant that Vetokele was pushed out wide left which didn't work.


  1. Have no idea why we signed Ethridge he is another goal keeping liability, once again he failed to deal with a cross ball and its in the back of the net, his handling for crosses is very poor as showed when he dropped the ball, as per previous matches in the first half, with no one challenging him. We should have stayed with Pope!
    Jackson might as well not have been on the pitch in the fisrt half, and why did Wilson start he had a dreadful game against Blackburn and the same today! The only bright points were new boy Watt and Cousins actually getting to play in his proper position!

  2. Depressingly familiar - lack of interest and investment from owner.

  3. hes getting sacked rd just looking for an ideal replacement inside info

  4. How can an owner make decisions without seeing the team play. I can only recall Roland attending 1 home game this season

    What a joke !

  5. aparantly the owner is seething re poor results but is looking for a suitable replacement curb has been mensioned along with riga again so I think Sherwood might get it but peeters is a goner as soon as rd returns.

  6. I don't believe these sacking stories, but if one had to make a change one could do a lot worse than bringing back Jose Riga.

  7. well rd what I gather is getting a bit annoyed he wants the prem money and on current form hes not going get it next year!fans are now voicing their frustration towards peeters and I think hes lost the dressing room as well ,from reports players are arguing with one another after the match has finished and blaming certain individuals for poor displays.
    Im very concerned with Bikey who seems to offer nothing at the moment and just wonders around the pitch doing sweet fa I think weve seen the best out of him now.Tunacdean and the new keeper also shouldn't be anywhere near the first team as for church the bloke doesn't deserve his 5k a week wages the whole team format needs a makeover and quickly hopefully with a new manager who can do it p.s Jackson I also say his legs have gone time to offload as well.

  8. The last win was the last game we had Henderson in goal. Can't help but feel the defence has been unsettled by his injury, so the sooner he back the better.

  9. Well, JA was right, Wyn.

  10. now do u believe my sources I think a few apologies needed on here

  11. aparantly just got off chat on fb rd wants Sherwood and also curb but curb is demanding huge wages which might be a stumbling block meeting is tomorrow aparantly so we should know by 6pm who the new boss will be Sherwood was at the game vs Blackburn and sat in the stand sat was Lennie Lawrence so I wouldn't be to surprised if he was called upon I be happy with all of them but don't want this guy bloke need an English manager

  12. JA, I think I saw Jimmy Seed chatting with Theo Foley too....

  13. Lack of quality, lack of investment, but not lack of management. Curbs, Sherwood, or Moses couldn't have done better with this limited squad. End of year report : no progress made under current ownership.
