Thursday 12 February 2015

Odd situation for Bees

A Busy Bee I know has written this in advance of Saturday's game: 'Brentford go into the game against Charlton in an odd position. On the field, the team has exceeded expectations and currently sit in the play-off spots. Not only that, the football at Griffin Park has been superb and the team has certainly held its own against the other Championship sides.'

'Former Addick, David Button, has been fantastic in goal all season. There are one or two injuries at present – key midfielder, Alan Judge, has been out since early January and fans have yet to see our new signing from Rangers, Lewis Macleod. And, left back Jake Bidwell, will be missing on Saturday after being sent off in midweek against Watford.'

'But overall, the team is doing really well. Off the field, however, there is a mystery. News broke this week that current boss Mark Warburton may not be in charge next season. This has baffled fans, with whom he is (not surprisingly) hugely popular. Bees fans will be hoping that this confusion will be resolved soon, though on the evidence of Tuesday night’s game against Watford, the uncertainty does not seem to be affecting the players.'

1 comment:

  1. This is how football coaches should be run none of this coaching badge rubbish like in force today -you didnt see the likes of clough go for a badge did u?.
    Warburton is a quality manager and if he becomes available at the end of the season then i think roland should offer him a job down here hes worked wonders for 2 seasons on a next to nothing budget these managers i have a lot of respect for who know how to coach a team.Off the field i have seen the artist design for their new stadium it looks very impressive,but red tape is blocking any move.If they do reach the prem in the summer Brentford will have to share with either qpr or wembley be my guess.Lovely old fasioned ground griffin park it be shame see it being demolished perhaps welling could pinch the 2 stands behind each goal for park view road?
