Monday 2 February 2015

Quiet end to transfer deadline day

It's been a relatively quiet transfer deadline day everywhere, no more so than at Charlton. It was evident that there were going to be no last minute signings when Chris Parkes made the short walk to his house at the top of Sparrows Lane for a relatively early supper. He is, by the way, one of the unsung heroes of Charlton.

Charlton could still sign a free agent and a name that has come up is 31-year old defender Roger Johnson who has been let go by Wolves where he has not featured for some time. However, the most urgent need is to score goals.


  1. we are in trouble simple as.

  2. No doubt it will either be some old has-been on his last legs or another belgium cast-off, who is out of contract with the mother ship!

  3. Can't be bothered.

  4. Where is Count Acworth in this hour of need?

  5. Acworth's playing fantasy football dreaming that CAFC will sign a good player and it's going to be fine with Guy. It's taken him nearly all this time to work out that Rolly's a plonker.

  6. Perhaps the plan is. That it's irrelevant what league you play in if you can break even. It must be what economists would describe as, AUSTERITY FOOTBALL.
    I hear he programme sellers are volunteers (IF TRUE) even the, 'Big Issue' give a fairer deal than the 18th richest man in Belgium.

  7. Come now, did u all really expect players coming in today?, as soon as Lozon opened his mouth and said he wanted 2 players ie: a forward and a central defender, I actually laughed, not because it is funny, but because the spin a yarn and they will believe it saga is still ongoing.

    I dont believe a word they say now,the sooner we wake up and start protesting the better, or we will end up losing the club we all love.

  8. The only way is down.
    The owner is destroying our club.
    He's never going to invest any money, so I just can't wait until he's gone.
    I was a season ticket holder for 20 years but I'm not going to buy another one while this regime turns us into a complete laughing stock

  9. The club that we knew is slipping away fast. The question is, what will be left when Roland eventually sells up and what league will we be in?

    Roland and his puppets either believe that we have enough quality to stay up, or can see an upside following relegation. To be honest I'm not bothered either way now.

    I won't be renewing my ST next year. I'll come back when Roland has gone.

  10. RD. will possibly have to buy another club now to shift all the CAFC players he won't be able to afford pay next season into. This is a house of cards business model and it never needed to be this way. He bought a club with many assets that he is destroying.
    Re; previous comment,
    I think Luzon believed it, only he's now getting the same support as the previous coaches did.

  11. It's all about the balance sheet nothing else. The problem is if you look at it annually then it will be too late, we will once again be trading back where we came from, Div1.
    Is he a Spanner?

  12. RD has too many fingers in too many pies. Best advice would be just to confine himself to his electronics business. Football agents are rather like Estate Agents. You may not like them but you have to deal with them !!
    If you can't hack it get out.
    Still at least we will have one of the best playng surfaces and stadiums in Divison 3. ( League One is just a marketing brand to make it sound higher than it really is)..
    Roland listen mate...Allez vous en.Je n'aime pas le
    Allez les rouges !!

  13. Does anybody really care anymore?

  14. I've heard that another senior staff member shown the door..hear we go !!!...hubble, bubble, toil and trouble.....

  15. Nope... Charlton 11-2 to be relegated with Betfair. There are still 5 teams with shorter odds but with the negativity and any kind of momentum, it may well be a good bet!

  16. The experiment isn't working. Michael Morrison & Dorian Dervite are dispatched and in comes Roger Johnson or Danny Colins. (Possibly !) We're not moving forward.

  17. Can't the Football League declare Dushitelet as unfit to run a football club, because he's definitely not fit to run our football club?!!

  18. Reading all these blogs is very depressing! Just like last Saturday. The look on the player's faces, not least Igor, leaving The Valley, was glum to say the least! To be honest, I felt when Chris Powell left, the soul was ripped out of the Club and a year down the line, it's got worse. To not bring in a target man, particularly as Mr Luzon likes the more direct approach, has left us fearing the worst.

  19. This behaviour is insulting. Absentee owner - deceitful and arrogant. After 50 years of support I've stopped driving 4 hours to the Valley and back. I listen to home and away games on Charlton player. It won't get better until he and his piece of candy are just an unpleasant memory.

  20. Fear not i have a plan in place

  21. is it a cunning plan Baldrick ? !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ha ha.
    Does it involve a turnip, perhaps a Graham Taylor led takeover. I will say this for you JA when things get bad you really keep me laughing. Good on you pal and long may it last mate.
