Saturday 28 February 2015

Same old Charlton: winning 3-0

Our most common result this season has been 1-1. But our most common winning score is now 3-0, all three victories achieved with Guy Luzon as coach. This was the result against Huddersfield Town this afternoon in front of a 'football for a fiver' crowd of over 25,000.

Charlton opened their account just before the half hour mark with a great free kick by Gudmundsson opening the scoring and in the second half Tony Watt scored two goals, the second goal a superb one. Despite being a network player, Charlton fans have quickly taken to Watt with his attractive attacking style and real skill with the ball.

Guy Luzon claimed in the programme that he is trying to create an attractive attacking style. Although we were dangerous in the opening five minutes, we had not really threatened until the set piece. However, we attacked with increasing pace, although the Terriers were capable of threatening on the counter. Henderson made some first class saves, keeping the clean sheet. 'Now don't cock it up,' yelled the Bloke Behind Me when we went 2-0 ahead, but we increasingly took charge in the game.

Charlton have gone up to the top half of the table again in 12th position and are 11 points above Millwall who lost at Rotherham. So what's going on? The explanation in CAS Trust News, distributed at the ground, was that the Head Coach has 'momentarily turned things around.' So it's a blip, but it's a decent blip and looks increasingly like keeping us out of League One.

I rang Derek from Dymchurch who has been at the UKIP convention in Margate and he told me, 'Clearly it's all down to the fighting spirit of the players. It's nothing to do with Luzon.' So if we had lost 0-3 today, what would he then say? 'Oh, in that case, it would be down to Luzon. I don't begrudge him his bit of luck, but these Belgian geezers always get found out in the end.'

Chris Powell got appropriately warm applause on his return, with many fans also applauding at the third minute. I was particularly pleased to see Richard Rufus walking round with the Academy players after all his troubles. My late wife was his kit sponsor for many years and he heard and acknowledged the shout of 'Roofus' from our row.

Player ratings

Henderson was certainly a close second for man of the match. He was particularly tested by Wallace's close range shot, but dealt with everything. The 17-year old Gomez was a great advert for the Academy in the centre back role. The yellow card he received was harsh. Giving Johnson a 8 this morning the Football League Paper said 'Four games, three clean sheets for Charlton since Johnson arrived at The Valley.' He wants to get his career back on track and that works for us. Of course, fans will say, 'why did we hold on to Morrison?' but I would think his wages were higher and we are losing £7m a year. I thought that Fox had a decent game, even though Scannell did get behind him once. Solly put in a very solid and professional performance, once again showing that his more mature than his years (something discussed in his interesting exchange with Johnnie Jackson in the programme).

Gudmundsson took his free kick well and he was active in midfield, but he didn't take a great part in open play. Even so, I was a bit surprised when he was the first player to be substituted, but maybe he was fading a bit or perhaps had picked up a knock. Cousins was very active in midfield, always available to receive a ball and pass it on well. In my view he is becoming a class act, a Lee Bowyer without the petulance. There was some debate around me about whether the yellow card was deserved. I think there was a shove, but the player shoved made the most of it. Bulot had some good bursts down the wing and provided some quality crosses and got warm applause when he was substituted. Buyens comes in for a lot of criticism from fans, but I thought he was better yesterday. The FLP gave him a 8 and said, 'Nothing flashy, but his neatness and protection enabled team mates to flourish.'

Igor combines well with Watt and provided the assist for both of his goals. Watt got a rare 9 from the FLP and was clearly man of the match. Luzon was impressed with him at the mother ship and wanted him at Charlton.

Wilson was energetic when he came on and didn't do anything wrong. Diarra looks a bit of a lump, but he can move the ball around nicely and knows how to pass to a Charlton player. Eagles moved the ball around confidently.

I know we don't do 'Hiss of the Match' any more, but I certainly would have given one to Vaughan who abused the referee for some time after a yellow card was finally given to a visiting player. He was lucky not to get booked for dissent.


  1. Yeah well it was a good win for ourn n well done to Guy again. If e's a network player or not it don't matter n Watt is a real spark n breath of fresh air dahn our gaff in lovin life at the Valley. Ere are, who cares wot dire of Dymchurch thinks, there all a bunch of exenophobes n if theirn ever got in power the ole country would collapse.

  2. All in all, a fantastic afternoon. Powell was fighting back the tears in the post-match intervals, wasn't he? As regards Watt, all of us supporters had known for months that we needed a stronger player than Tucudean or Harriott as a partner for Igor and it does look as though the management have finally come round to our way of thinking. We've not had a pairing upfront like these two for quite some time. Flanagan and Hales, Hunt and Mendonca and now Watt and Vetokele. A long way to go still but, if we can keep them at the end of the season, and the model might suggest otherwise, then the future could be very bright indeed.

  3. Post-match interviews, not intervals! I must disable the predictive text.

  4. IF i wasa huddersfield fan i would be fuming at that display he dished out no wingers,no defence and no strikers ring any bells?
